(Collection of data on personal information of guests, according to law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory Decrees)
OBJECTIVE: To establish the criteria for the collection, storage, use, circulation and deletion to be used for the purpose of performing loyalty activities and contact the owner of the information to send service surveys after each stay that allow the qualification of the service provided, and communicate invitations, offers, promotions, portfolio of services or general information that is directed to continue using the Hotel and to offer the corresponding services of the personal data processed by INVERSIONES MUNDO MÚCURA SAS with NIT 901079616-5 SCOPE: This policy applies to all personal information registered in the databases of INVERSIONES MUNDO MÚCURA SAS with NIT 901079616-5, who acts as the party responsible for the processing of personal data. OBLIGATIONS: This policy is of mandatory and strict compliance for INVERSIONES MUNDO MÚCURA SAS with NIT 901079616-5 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROCESSING: INVERSIONES MUNDO MÚCURA SAS with NIT 901079616-5 with main address at CL 29 N° 52 74 in the city of Medellín PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING POLICY PROCESSING AND PURPOSE: The processing that INVERSIONES MUNDO MÚCURA SAS with NIT 901079616-5 will perform with the personal information will be the following: The collection, storage, use, circulation of personal data provided by the HUÉSPED in the Hotel Registration Card for the following purposes: the purpose of performing loyalty activities and contacting the holder of the information to send him/her service surveys after each stay that allow the qualification of the service provided, and communicate invitations, offers, promotions, portfolio of services or general information that is directed to continue making use of the Hotel and to offer him/her the corresponding services. TREATMENT OF SENSITIVE DATA: The sensitive data collected will be treated with the following purposes: the purpose of performing loyalty activities and contacting the owner of the information to send surveys of services after each stay that allow the qualification of the service provided, and communicate invitations, offers, promotions, portfolio of services or general information that is aimed at continuing to make use of the Hotel and to offer the corresponding services.
RIGHTS OF THE OWNERS: As the owner of your personal data you have the right to: (i) Access free of charge to the data provided that have been subject to processing. (ii) Know, update and rectify your information against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, incomplete, fractioned, misleading, or those whose treatment is prohibited or has not been authorized. (iii) Request proof of the authorization granted. (iv) File complaints before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) for violations of the provisions of the regulations in force. (v) To revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data, provided that there is no legal or contractual obligation that prevents their deletion. (vi) Refrain from answering questions about sensitive data. Responses concerning sensitive data or data of children and adolescents shall be optional. The area of Reservations and Reception is the unit or person in charge of processing the requests of the holders to enforce their rights. The communication channels are: 316 620 8660 to the email on the website to the physical address in the Archipelago of San Bernardo, Isla Múcura and in the city of Medellin CL 29 No. 52-74 available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., PROCEDURE FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT OF HABEAS DATA In compliance with the rules on protection of personal data, INVERSIONES MUNDO MÚCURA SAS with NIT 901079616-5 presents the procedure and minimum requirements for the exercise of your rights: For the filing and attention of your request, we ask you to provide the following information: Full name and surname, contact details (physical and/or electronic address and contact telephone numbers), Means to receive a response to your request, Reason(s)/fact(s) that give rise to the claim with a brief description of the right you wish to exercise (know, update, rectify, request proof of authorization granted, revoke it, delete, access to information) Signature (if applicable) and identification number. The maximum term provided by law to resolve your claim is fifteen (15) business days, counted from the day following the date of receipt. When it is not possible to attend the claim within such term, INVERSIONES MUNDO MÚCURA SAS with NIT 901079616-5 will inform the interested party the reasons for the delay and the date on which the claim will be attended, which in no case may exceed eight (8) working days following the expiration of the first term. Once the terms set forth in Law 1581 of 2012 and other rules that regulate or complement it have been complied with, the Data Subject who is denied, in whole or in part, the exercise of the rights of access, updating, rectification, deletion and revocation, may bring the case to the attention of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce -Delegation for the Protection of Personal Data-. EFFECTIVENESS: This Policy for the Treatment of Personal Data is effective from the date the hotel registration card is signed. The databases in which the personal data will be registered will have a validity equal to the time in which the information is kept and used for the purposes described in this policy. Once such purpose(s) is/are fulfilled and provided that there is no legal or contractual duty to keep your information, your data will be deleted from our databases.