NIT 901.079.616-5

Communication of biosafety policy and protocol information to employees and guests

We are living in unusual times. The pace and scale of the Covid19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on our industry worldwide. In the midst of a changing and uncertain global situation, our team is doing everything in its power to try to protect our customers, our employees, and our company. In this regard, we have improved some processes and protocols to be rigorous in order to continue to provide the best possible service. Our work is focused on ensuring that our establishment continues to operate as a lodging facility, our employees can continue to work in healthy conditions and our restaurant has the best conditions to provide the best security and protection. Remember that we have a complete protocol of hygiene, protection and prevention for which we ask for your cooperation and commitment to abide by the preventive measures for the welfare of all.

As of April 27, 2020 we have arranged for our administrative and operational personnel in accordance with national resolution 666 of April 24, 2020.

All employees and collaborators must comply with the biosafety protocol and abide by the rules established for this purpose.

  • Comply with all biosafety standards by completing the daily self-report of health status through the CoronApp application.
  • Fill out the daily temperature measurement form at the beginning and end of work.
  • Promptly inform the personnel manager of any particular symptom in the state of health.
  • Report if you suffer from or live with a person who has one or more of these conditions or diseases considered high risk: Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease – Hypertension – HT, Cerebrovascular Accident – CVA), HIV, Cancer, Use of corticosteroids or immunosuppressants, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD, poor nutrition (obesity and malnutrition).

As of April 27, 2020 we have arranged for our guests in accordance with the national resolution 666 of April 24, 2020

Guests must comply with and abide by the published protection measures and follow the instructions for the use of the hotel facilities and services during their stay and the use of the restaurant and bar services.

Preventive measures and biosecurity protocols must be followed when leaving or entering the hotel, which include taking temperatures, disinfecting each person with certified products, and spraying suitcases and packages.

Use of mouth covers while in common areas.

Self-declaration of health status upon entering the hotel, in case of any symptoms associated with COVID-19, the hotel reserves the right of admission and the customer must abide by the measures of the protocol as high risk.

If symptoms of COVID-19 are present in any of the guests, the high risk protocol will be activated and preventive measures must be followed. Any quarantine charges incurred in this case will be borne by the guests.


Hand washing at least every 3 hours, in the places provided for this purpose where there are labeled and certified products for disinfection such as antibacterial soap and alcoholic gel.

Be published and complied with.


Legal Representative

We hereby request permission for the HOTEL ISLA MUCURA with NIT 901079616-5 to continue working under all required protocols attached and decreed in resolution 666 of April 24, 2020 and allow the mobilization and workplaces, required to exercise the functions the operation of the hotel service within the exception #24 of Decree 593 of April 24 and earlier for Hotels and hotel employees. Employees currently active and in function of the hotel operation are:


To generate and establish the sequences of general biosecurity activities in the framework of the pandemic for the new coronavirus COVID-19, to be adapted in the different sectors other than the health sector in order to minimize the probability of transmission of the virus from human to human during the development of all its activities, by means of constant supervision and evaluation.


To implement the measures and processes required for the preventive activities of the people who carry out the operational and administrative procedures of the Hotel Resort Isla Mucura for the due process of prevention and transmission.


Coronavirus 2019 disease, caused by COVID-19 virus, was first detected in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. On January 30, 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the current outbreak to be a public health emergency of international concern. Given the presence of COVID-19 disease in Colombia, after March 6, 2020, the country begins the containment phase in which it is important to give instructions in the framework of intervention, response and care of COVID19, especially for the rational use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in health and community settings, based on WHO recommendations (World Health Organization (WHO), 2020).

In view of the health situation in the country, the following recommendations are established for personnel who perform social assistance activities (understood as those that are provided to solve situations of various kinds and serve to improve the living conditions of people, including public transportation service, personnel who provide services in stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, home workers, public cleaning service, security, kitchen staff, among others).



Keep in mind that any protective measure must ensure that it adequately protects the worker from those risks to his health or safety that cannot be avoided or sufficiently limited by the use of collective means of protection or the adoption of work organization measures.

Information and training are essential in the protection of persons in contact with cases under investigation or confirmed cases and those at risk of exposure to the virus.

Protection goes beyond the worker and includes all other persons susceptible to direct or indirect contact with the case.

Limit the number of people and the time of exposure to the minimum possible and a list of exposed workers, the type of work performed, as well as a record of the corresponding exposures, accidents and incidents should be established.

Written instructions should be made available to workers in the workplace and, if appropriate, notices should be posted containing, as a minimum, the procedure to be followed in the event of a contact accident.

It is very important to bear in mind that exposure of healthcare and non-healthcare workers who, on the basis of their personal characteristics or known biological state (health conditions), due to previous pathologies, medication, immune disorders or pregnancy, are considered especially sensitive to the risk of contagion, should be avoided.

Taking into account the current measures taken by the National Government to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the following guidelines should be followed:


Isolation: separation of a person or group of persons known or believed to be infected with a communicable and potentially infectious disease from those who are not infected, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Isolation for public health purposes may be voluntary or mandated by order of the health authority.

Respiratory isolation: applies when respiratory droplets with low diffusion range (up to 1 meter) are expected to be present.

Droplet isolation: refers to measures to control infections by respiratory viruses and other agents transmitted by droplets (> 5 mieras) propelled a short distance through the air and which may enter through the eyes, nasal mucosa, mouth or non-intact skin of the person in contact with the patient.

Contact isolation: refers to measures to control direct contact when it occurs in the transfer of blood or body fluids from one patient to another susceptible individual. Contact can be made on the skin, mucous membranes or lesions; as well as by direct inoculation into the bloodstream and indirect contact: occurs when the susceptible host comes into contact with the infecting microorganism through an inanimate intermediary (clothing, fomites, room surfaces) or animate (health personnel, another patient) that was initially in contact with that microorganism. In this case, an anti-fluid disposable gown or polyethylene suit is used, the latter for high biological risk.

Asepsis: absence of microorganisms that can cause disease. This concept includes the preparation of equipment, instrumentation and change of operations by means of sterilization and disinfection mechanisms.

Biosafety: set of preventive measures aimed at eliminating or minimizing the biological risk factor that may affect the health, environment or life of people, ensuring that the development or final product of such procedures does not endanger the health and safety of workers.

Cohort of patients: grouping of patients who are colonized or infected with the same microorganism, in order to limit their care to a single area and avoid contact with other patients Cohorts are created according to diagnostic confirmation (clinical or microbiological), epidemiological criteria and the mode of transmission of the infectious agent. It is preferred to avoid placing severely immunosuppressed patients in rooms with other patients. Mathematical modeling studies support the strength of cohorts in outbreak control.

Close contact: is contact between persons within 2 meters or less of each other in a room or in the care area of a confirmed or probable COVID-2019 case for a time greater than 15 minutes, or direct contact with secretions from a probable or confirmed case while the patient is considered infectious.

COVID-19: is a new disease, caused by a new coronavirus that has not been seen before in humans. The name of the disease was chosen following the best practices established by the World Health Organization (WHO) for naming new infectious diseases in humans.

Disinfection: the destruction of microorganisms on a surface by means of chemical or physical agents.

Disinfectant: is a germicide that inactivates virtually all recognized pathogenic microorganisms, but not necessarily all forms of microbial life, e.g. spores. This term applies only to inanimate objects.

Hypochlorite: is a group of disinfectants that are among the most commonly used. This group of disinfectants has a rapid effect on a wide variety of microorganisms. They are the most appropriate for general disinfection. As this group of disinfectants corrodes metals and also produces discoloration effects, it is necessary to rinse the disinfected surfaces with this product as soon as possible.

Surgical Mask: personal protection element for the respiratory tract that helps block larger droplets of particles, spills, aerosols or splashes, which could contain microbes, viruses and bacteria, so that they do not reach the nose or mouth.

Contaminated Material: Material that has been in contact with microorganisms or is suspected of being contaminated.

NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the United States of America.

Health care providers: Refers to health care institutions – IPS, independent health care professionals, patient transport and entities with a different social purpose that provide health care services.

Biosanitary Waste: all those elements or instruments used during the execution of a procedure that have contact with organic matter, blood or body fluids of the user.

Hazardous Waste: any object, material, substance, element or product that is in a solid or semi-solid state, or is a liquid or gas contained in containers or tanks, whose generator discards, rejects or delivers it because its properties do not allow it to be used again in the activity that generated it or because the legislation or regulations in force so stipulate.

SARS: Severe acute respiratory syndrome.

SARS-CoV-2: shortened version of the name of the new coronavirus “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2” (first identified in Wuhan, China) assigned by the International Virus Taxonomy Committee, in charge of naming new viruses.

General measures for hotel isolation of quarantined guests.

Persons who must carry out the preventive isolation process in the hotel must take into account:

  • Be identified and channeled in compliance with Resolutions 380 and 385 of 2020 or through the corresponding health authorities.
  • The administration must inform the municipal, district or departmental health secretary that it will begin its preventive isolation phase for 14 days, specifying the hotel, hotel or lodging that has been selected for this purpose.
  • Inform the front desk of the establishment about the isolation measure to which he/she is being subjected and if he/she has presented symptoms such as: fever (>38°C), cough, respiratory distress, sore throat (odynophagia), fatigue or adynamia, so that the establishment can take the necessary biosecurity measures and inform the corresponding territorial health entity for attention.
  • The guest should stay in a well-ventilated room, with the door closed and a window that can be opened and that faces an area with good ventilation.
  • Do not allow visitors to enter the room where the person is in isolation.
  • Avoid contact with other guests or if you are going to leave the room for any reason you should use the surgical mask, also if you are going to be in contact with someone who carries food.
  • If the surgical mask gets wet or breaks, you should remove it, wash your hands and replace it with a new one.
  • Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes.
  • Remember to use tissues to blow your nose.
  • You will not be able to carry out any type of social or work activity outside the room assigned by the hotel until you have completed your isolation period.
  • You do not need to use the surgical mask when you are alone in the room.
  • To frequently perform hand hygiene with alcohol-based gel with a concentration of 60 to 95% or with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, before eating, after coughing, sneezing or throwing a used handkerchief in the trash, as well as after removing the surgical mask (Do not touch the front of the mask when removing it), going to the bathroom or when they are visibly dirty.
  • To dry your hands after washing them with soap and water, it is preferable to use disposable paper towels.
  • If disposable paper towels are not available, use clean cloth towels, which should be changed when wet.
  • Stay hydrated and get a good night’s sleep.
  • Whenever possible, the person in isolation may request the facility to transact business for the purchase of food or medication. The items purchased will be left outside the room, indicating to the guest in isolation to put on the surgical mask, to pick up their order.
  • Sheets, towels, plates and cutlery used by the person should not be shared with others. It is not necessary to discard these items, but you should wash them in your dishwasher or by hand using disposable gloves, with warm water and detergent after use, you should dry them with a kitchen towel separately and remove the gloves and perform hand washing.
  • If any symptoms appear during the following 14 days, even if the symptoms seem mild, the immediate use of surgical masks should be initiated and the patient should contact for further guidance the telephone line in Bogotá at 5893750 and for the rest of the country the national toll free line 018000-960020.
  • It is reiterated that these guidelines may be modified according to the evolution of the introduction of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) to the country.

Biosecurity measures for workers to mitigate the containment of virus transmission are as follows:

In no case shall the obligation to implement this protocol result in disregard or deterioration of conditions or in the termination of labor ties, and other contractual forms of the personnel of the companies.

General measures

The measures that have shown the most evidence for the containment of virus transmission are as follows:

  • Hand washing
  • Social distancing
  • Use of masks

In addition to these measures and taking into account the dissemination mechanisms of the droplet virus and contact, the cleaning and disinfection processes of commonly used elements and supplies, surfaces, frequently used equipment, waste management of the activity or sector, adequate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and optimizing the ventilation of the place and compliance with hygienic and sanitary conditions should be strengthened.

The following is a detailed description of the measures that have shown the most evidence for the containment of virus transmission.

Hand washing

  • Have supplies available to perform hand hygiene with clean water, soap and single-use towels (disposable towels).
  • Have supplies of glycerin alcohol at a minimum of 60%, maximum 95%,
  • Make glycerin alcohol available in places that are easily and frequently accessible to users and workers in each sector.
  • Make available in common areas and work zones points for frequent hand washing according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
  • All workers in remote work, operation centers or in external activities, must perform the hand washing protocol with a minimum periodicity of 3 hours, where the contact with soap must last at least 20 – 30 seconds.
  • After contact with surfaces that may have been contaminated by another person (handles, handrails, locks, transportation), after going to the bathroom, handling money and before and after eating.
  • Those responsible for occupational health and safety systems should establish mechanisms for follow-up, monitoring and self-monitoring of this activity in all workplaces.
  • Intensify information, education and communication actions for the development of all activities to avoid contagion.

Hand washing and hand washing technique

  • Hand washing with soap and water should be performed when hands are visibly soiled, before and after using the toilet, before and after eating, after sneezing or coughing, before and after using an eye mask, or before touching the face.
  • Hand hygiene with glycerin alcohol should always be performed when hands are visibly clean.
  • The glycerin alcohol to be used should have a concentration between 60% and 95%.
  • Reminders of handwashing technique should be posted in the area where the handwashing activity is performed.


Hotel Isla Mucura has all the necessary chemical products for hand washing with soap solutions with disinfectants in their content. These are available in the different service areas and common areas of the Hotel. See technical data sheet and safety sheet attached.

PRODUCT: Antibacterial liquid soap.


Non ionic surfactants.
Amphoteric surfactants.
Skin softening and conditioning products.

We have these in hand washing areas, such as restaurant restrooms and main lobby.


Virusida Created by a Colombian company, with Invima registration which certifies its effectiveness and kills the virus from any surface in just 60 seconds.

PRODUCT: glycerin alcohol 75%.

Highly disinfectant alcohol, ideal for hands and general areas.

Employees, guests, suppliers and visitors will find these products in all areas marked for cleaning and disinfection. There are reminders of the hand washing technique in the areas where this activity is performed.

  • Reception
  • Men’s and women’s restrooms in the restaurant
  • Rooms

The products and containers will be properly marked with the name of the product; for more information, see the attached technical data sheet and safety sheet.

Dry with single-use towels (paper towels) arranged in the different areas that are demarcated for cleaning and disinfection of hands.

Hand-washing reminders should be installed in the areas where this activity is performed.

Format for the control and monitoring of the hand-washing procedure.


Hand washing record


Date / /

HourFirst and Last NameResponsible for follow-up
I undertake to use properly during the working day the personal protection elements received and keep them in good condition, complying with the rules of biosafety and health at work, which contribute to my physical, psychological and social well-being. I declare that I have received information on the proper use of the same.

Physical distancing

Physical distancing means maintaining a space between people outside their home. To practice physical distancing is required:

  • Workers should remain at least 2 meters away from other people and between work stations avoiding direct contact, in order to organize and optimize the location of work stations, in order to be able to decrease the risk of transmission. For these purposes, the circulating cleaning and security people shall maintain the same protection distances.
  • The capacity of workers in the work area or enclosure must be controlled.
  • The same conditions should apply in places where food is consumed (e.g. canteens, cafeterias, casinos, etc.) and in general in employee rest areas.
  • Do not allow group meetings in which the minimum distance of 2 meters between each person cannot be guaranteed.
  • Take advantage of technological aids in order to avoid crowds and avoid the physical exchange of work documents.
  • In addition to the daily measures to prevent COVID-19, permanent recommendations should be made to maintain physical distance both in the work environment and in all places where you may have encounters with other people, it is one of the best measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • On our beach, sunbeds will be placed according to the minimum distance to avoid contagion.


Hotel Isla Mucura, has taken measures against the physical distancing for the safety and health of its employees and collaborators for which these measures are decreed:


Work shifts are organized in flexible schedules and / or half-time so that at least each of the work and service areas are covered, with no more than 5 people per space and a distance greater than two meters between them.


Restaurant tables, tables and chairs in common areas are organized so that the minimum distance of 2 meters is maintained, thus avoiding crowds.

Restaurant shifts are established so that those who wish to buy their food can do so at different times (every 30 minutes), avoiding staff overcrowding and observing the social distancing. In a separate place from the guests.

Shifts are established for breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for guests’ choice that does not exceed the maximum capacity while preserving the distance between tables and chairs. Thus:

Breakfasts: 7am to 10am, in shifts of 30 minutes pre-established and agreed with the guests, and the buffet service is temporarily suspended therefore the dishes included in the cost of the service will be served plated.

Lunches: 12:00pm to 2:00pm in 30 minute shifts.

Dinners: 7:00pm to 9:00pm in 30 minute shifts.



On the eve of a long awaited economic reactivation of national tourism and with it the reopening of beaches, the Hotel Isla Múcura concerned in providing all the guarantees of control and safety for its guests, presents within its biosecurity protocol the organization and access to beaches ensuring the minimum physical distance between guests; which is fulfilled according to the proposal that the Directorate General Maritime (DIMAR) presented to the Ministry of Health.  It should be noted that the same will be executed in coordination, socialization and awareness with each and every one of the employees and guests who will visit the Hotel Isla Múcura previously and once they arrive at the only point that was designated as a dock for embarking and disembarking passengers. In this way, physical distancing is guaranteed in our beach area: 10 square meters of occupation for each person who visits it.


  • Hotel Isla Múcura occupancy capacity: 122 guests.
  • TOTAL BEACH AREA: 732,17 m2 (in an approximate irregular area of 105m x 7m)
  • PER PERSON PERMITTED BEACH AREA: Between 8 and 10 m2/person
  • Guest capacity according to mandatory physical distancing: Approx. 73 persons

(Equivalent only to 60% of our occupancy capacity)


  • Guests of Hotel Isla Múcura will have reserved and informed of their arrival at the Hotel no less than one (1) day in advance.
  • At the moment of their arrival to the Hotel, a list will be available with the basic information data of the people that enter; The same one will be facilitated by the Nautical Club that will mobilize them directly from the authorized port in earth and will be of great aid for the processes of control and biosecurity that will be carried out in the point.
  • Once the boat arrives at the UNIQUE UNEMBARKING AND EMBARKATION QUAY – identified as the FIRST BIOSECURITY POINT ( ), the respective disinfection, control and distancing process will be carried out as stipulated in our biosecurity protocol (See STRATEGIC BIOSECURITY PROTOCOL FOR THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF COVID-19 CONTAGION APPLIED AT THE ISLA MUCURA HOTEL).
  • From there, guests will walk along the line demarcated as the SINGLE ROUTE OF ENTRY AND EXIT ( ) to the HOTEL LOBBY.
  • This place is identified as the SECOND BIOSECURITY POINT ( ) and there the protocol processes previously stipulated in the same will be followed (See BIOSECURITY PROTOCOL), such as: hand washing, foot disinfection, among others; and thus, to make official a safe entrance to the Hotel.
  • It is in the LOBBY OF THE HOTEL, where it will be carried out, not only the control of the official entrance of the reservations, but also the control of access and unique exit for the guests who wish to visit the beach.
  • At the time of departure, the Hotel has a WAITING AREA, where guests will have adequate space, which complies with the indications for a correct distance (minimum 2m between each person) and where they will be indicated at what time to make their movement to the UNIQUE EMBARKATION AND DISEMBARKATION QUAY, through the SINGLE ROUTE OF ENTRY AND EXIT ( ).
  • It should be noted that throughout the process and in the areas involved, we will find information signs and signage for easy appreciation for guests and also there will be staff located for guidance and supervision of these processes.










Check in and check out

It will take place in the beach lobby, a spacious place with plenty of ventilation, which will help minimize the risk of contagion, all guests must enter the island with masks, upon entering the registration area must wash their hands, dry them and be attentive to the signs.

Personal Protective Equipment – PPE for COVID-19 Prevention

  • Those responsible for the company’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System must define the PPE indicated for personal protection according to the work of COVID-19 prevention from the point of view of industrial hygiene applicable to the company’s processes based on quantitative assessments such as hygiene measurements.
  • The employer must provide PPE and guarantee its availability and replacement.
  • Recommendations for the efficient use of PPE should be reported.
  • The use of gloves is recommended if cleaning activities are to be performed or if elements such as waste are to be handled; for other activities, hand washing with water, soap and disposable towels is recommended.
  • Non-disposable PPE should be washed and disinfected before being stored in a clean, dry area and remember that they are for personal use.
  • Adequate containers should be installed for the final destination of used personal protective equipment.
  • In any case, no worker should use the equipment or PPE used in the work activity outside of their work activities.
  • Workers should refrain from sharing PPE.

Mouthpiece management

  • The use of masks is mandatory in areas with a massive influx of people.
  • The correct use of masks is essential to avoid contagion; it is equally important to remove them to avoid contact with contaminated areas and/or dispersion of the infectious agent. Keep PPE use and disposal techniques visible.
  • Cloth masks can be used, as long as they comply with the indications of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
  • Always wash hands before and after using the mask.

Conventional masks

  • These elements that cover the nose and mouth in a non-occlusive manner reduce the probability of contact with nasal secretions or saliva from another person.
  • Conventional face masks have different designs, including those that fold over the mouth or nose and those that do not.
  • Non-preformed masks get wet more easily and come into contact with nasal secretion or saliva of the person.
  • The manufacturer’s instructions should be taken into account for the fitting and use of the mask.

Steps for donning and doffing conventional face masks

  • Wash your hands before putting on the mask.
  • The use of the mask should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Adjust the mask, if it has elastic, behind the ears; if it has straps, it should be tied above the ears at the back of the head and the lower straps below the ears and above the neck.
  • The placement should be over the nose and under the chin.
  • The colored (waterproof) face of the mask should be kept as the outer face.
  • Due to its design, the filtering does not have the same characteristics in one direction and in the other, and its wrong placement may cause less protection for the professional. Placement with the impermeable (colored) side facing inwards can hinder the worker’s breathing and accumulate humidity on the face. On the other hand, leaving the moisture-absorbing side facing outwards will favor contamination of the respirator by external agents.
  • Fasten the straps or place the rubber bands so that they are firmly fastened.
  • If the mask has a flexible band on one of its sides, this should go on the upper part, mold the band over the nasal septum.
  • Do not touch the mask during use. If you should do so, wash your hands before and after handling it.
  • The mask can be worn for one day continuously, as long as it is not broken, dirty or wet, in any of these conditions it should be removed, disposed of and a new one fitted.
  • When removing the mask, do it from the straps or elastics, never touch the external part of the mask.
  • Once removed, fold the mask with the external side inwards and place it in a paper or garbage bag.
  • Do not reuse the mask.
  • Immediately after removing the mask, wash hands with soap and water.
  • The mask should be kept in its original packaging if it is not going to be used or in sealed bags. It is not recommended to keep them without packaging in the bag or pockets without protection because they can be contaminated, broken or damaged.
  • Mouthpieces should not be left unprotected on any surface (e.g., tables, shelves, desks, equipment, etc.) because of the risk of contamination.

Implementation, handling, use and delivery of personal protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be delivered and a record of this delivery will be kept in a spreadsheet. These will be provided in compliance with the established measures and will comply with the protection function based on safety guidelines. Training and retraining on the use of these items, such as masks, gloves, face shields, uniforms, anti-fluid clothing, goggles, earplugs, etc., will be conducted periodically, as indicated in the records.

Reusable protective equipment will be disinfected (see disinfection procedure) at the beginning and end of the shift or when necessary. PPE is for personal use and should not be shared; at no time should it be used by a different person.

Disposable protective items: single-use or disposable items must be disposed of in the marked and labeled container for final disposal in accordance with GTC24 and the provisions of Resolution 666 of April 24, 2020, included in the final waste disposal form of Hotel Isla Mucura.


Single-use PPE personal protective equipment such as gloves and face masks will be placed in a black bag in a bin, which after being removed from the bin will be marked with a visible label containing (COVID-19) for final disposal by the waste manager,

There will be a permanent follow-up by the supervisor and the designated supervisor and established in the internal OSHMS so that they are used while performing the different functions by service area.

Failure to use these items will be considered non-compliance with the work rules established in the internal work regulations and the corresponding sanctions will be applied.

For the use of PPE personal protection equipment, a hand-washing procedure must be followed before and after handling them.

Permanent monitoring of the proper use of PPE must be carried out and recorded in order to comply with the activities established in the biosafety plan, supported by the respective evidence of their execution.

Format for the provision of PPE.





DATE / /

I undertake to use properly during the working day the personal protection elements received and keep them in good condition, complying with the rules of biosafety and health at work, which contribute to my physical, psychological and social well-being. I declare that I have received information on the proper use of the same.

Conduct periodic inspections while employees are performing the activity in order to ensure proper use of PPE, through inspection forms.






DATE / /

A.     Respiratory Protection
1Dust mask type respirator   
2Respiratory protection against biological risk (mouthpiece cover)   
3 Respiratory protection with filter for chemical substances.   
B.     Visual Protection
4. Safety Glasses with Side Shields   
C.     Protection for members
5Rubber boots for area washing activities   
6Rubber gloves   


 Cleaning and disinfection

  • Develop and implement a protocol for permanent cleaning and disinfection and maintenance of workplaces, defining the procedure, frequency, supplies, responsible personnel, protective elements used, among others.
  • Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of the area destined for this work, floors, walls, doors, windows, partitions, furniture, chairs, and all those elements with which people have constant and direct contact.
  • Establish a daily cleaning and disinfection procedure prior to opening and after closing the establishment, including its common areas and furniture with disinfection products for domestic or industrial use. Likewise, guarantee periodic cleaning and disinfection days during the day.
  • Control rodents and insects to avoid contamination, taking into account the sanitary recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Integrated Pest Management Program that establishes preventive and control measures.
  • Preparation of technical data sheets and instructions (ideally digital) on cleaning and disinfection processes.
  • Establish disinfection protocols prior to the use of any work element or tool.
  • Ensure that the cleaning and disinfection process is carried out safely and with the necessary elements depending on the areas or areas of movement and work.
  • Have cloths and use of disinfectant to clean or disinfect the contact areas (e.g. control panel, controls) of equipment or general use elements (e.g. handles, etc.) between each person who uses them, or designate a person to be in charge of handling them.
  • Areas such as floors, bathrooms, kitchens should be washed with a common detergent, and then disinfected with products such as hypochlorite for domestic use, leaving it in contact with the surfaces for 5 to 10 minutes and then removing it with a damp, clean cloth, or you can also use sodium dichloroisocyanurate, diluting it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, among others.
  • Also, review the recommendations of each manufacturer to perform the proper cleaning process.
  • Perform follow-up and monitoring activities through records and inspections.
  • Train general services personnel.
  • If specialized companies are contracted, they must have a sanitary concept issued by the Territorial Directorates.
  • Inputs used to carry out the activity (brooms, mops, rags, sponges, scouring pads, buckets) must be subject to constant periodic cleaning and disinfection, considering the cleaning cycles or areas covered, according to the activity schedule,
  • Chemical inputs used, specifying dosage and chemical nature of the product, must have their respective safety data sheets: disinfectants, aromatizers, degreasers, soaps or detergents.

Steps to perform disinfection and cleaning of establishments and workplaces

  • Personnel performing the cleaning and disinfection procedure should use personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves, apron and face shield).
  • Clean areas and surfaces by removing dust and dirt in order to achieve effective disinfection.
  • The cloths used for cleaning and disinfection must be clean.
  • Cleaning personnel should wash their hands before and after cleaning and disinfecting, wear gloves and follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of the supplies to be used.
  • Ensure that the cleaning and disinfection process is carried out in a safe manner and with the necessary elements depending on the areas or areas of movement and work using cleaning and disinfectant products according to the attached technical data sheets that can eliminate the coronavirus on surfaces. Review the recommendations of each manufacturer to perform the proper cleaning process.
  • Bathroom and toilet surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a day.
  • Dispose of gloves and wipes in a wastebasket after use. If your gloves are reusable, wash the outside of the gloves with the same clean disinfectant used for surface disinfection before removing them and allow them to dry in a ventilated area. At the end of the process, take a shower and change clothes.
  • Use disinfectants or 70% alcohol for cleaning objects, surfaces and materials of constant use; as well as bathroom surfaces (or any other object on which you sneeze or cough).
  • Have a space available for cleaning and disinfecting supplies.


Cleaning and disinfection:

Minimizes food contamination risks during processing steps. Increases equipment life and efficiency. Reduces pest infestation. Extends shelf life of products. Reduces the risk of the presence of microorganisms that cause food diseases and in this specific case of COVID-19. Creates good cleaning habits in personnel. It is a requirement of the Good Handling Practices and what is decreed in resolution 666 of April 24, 2020. They are required to comply with the risk control system and improve the image of the brand in the eyes of customers, thus increasing consumer confidence.

Cleaning implements

Brushes, cloths, brooms, mops, sponges and implements used for cleaning will be washed and disinfected periodically.

Likewise, to avoid contamination, the same cleaning implements should not be used for all areas or equipment. Each area (rooms, kitchen, dining room, bar) will have its specific cleaning implements properly labeled.

Use of Chemicals

When using any cleaning or disinfecting agent, it is important to respect the concentrations, times and conditions indicated for each product. In addition, it should be considered that there are different types of dirt, and depending on this, the cleaning and disinfecting techniques will be applied according to the manufacturer’s technical data sheets, which should be visible and easily accessible. (see appendix for chemical products, use and handling).

(Waiting room, Kitchen, Bar, Office Files)

Chemical Products

Hotel Isla Mucura, has all the certified chemical products, which fulfill the function of washing and disinfection enough among which are alcoholic glycerin solutions, soaps, degreasers, disinfectants.

The person responsible for the service will define the washing program and detergent and softener products to be used, appropriate and in accordance with environmental criteria, in the washing of each type of garment. The dosages as explained in the action plan.

Guide for the Use of Cleaning and Disinfection Chemical Products in All Areas



Cleaning of floors, walls, tables and general handling surfaces will be done with the biodegradable chemical supplies contained in the cleaning and disinfection supplies list in the action plan.

Cleaning and disinfection protocol for floors in all areas:

  • Kitchen
  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Rooms
  • Laundry
  • Reception
  • Bathrooms
  • Cellars
  • Common Areas

Cleaning and disinfection of rooms and all work areas.

Assignment of rooms

The cleaning and housekeeping coordinator delivers the rooms to be organized to each auxiliary.

Selection of clean linen

In the laundry area and linen room, the linen to be changed is selected and placed in the cart to be taken to the laundry.

Preparation of work utensils and personal protection items

The employees’ supplies for cleaning and disinfection activities (brooms, mops, rags, sponges, scouring pads, buckets) must be subject to constant periodic cleaning and disinfection, taking into account the cleaning cycles or areas covered, according to the activity schedule.

Check the work utensils, they must be in good condition and clean.

Broom, mop, cleaning cloth.

Verify the condition of the personal protective equipment:

  • Safety Glasses (against chemical splashes and dusts in the environment).
  • Respiratory protection (resistant to organic vapors and acids).
  • Safety gloves resistant to chemicals.

Start of cleaning and disinfection of the room

  • Before opening the room, respiratory protection, gloves and safety goggles must be worn to prevent the risk of contracting diseases and to carry out the biological control.
  • Check the condition of the room, the operation of the television, air conditioning and other equipment, and inform the housekeeper if there is anything new.
  • The garbage is removed, wearing gloves, respiratory protection and goggles.
  • The existing linen that has been used, sheets and towels are removed. These are placed in the cart for later transfer to the washing machine.
  • The clean linen is placed on the bed, if any stain is observed on the linen, do not place it and inform the laundry about it, verify that the linen is consistent with the size of the bed.
  • Spread the sheet from the bottom of the bed to the headboard, place the pillowcases folding the excess inwards.
  • Extend the bed cover from the foot of the bed to the headboard and smooth the bed with the help of your hands.
  • Sweep the room.
  • Apply the product to clean the floor joints, using the personal protection elements, the application should be in squatting position and make active pauses, bearing in mind that it is a critical position.
  • The cleaning is done with the use of a clean mop.
  • Check that there is no residue on the floor and clean the tables, making sure that there is no dust on any surface.

Cleaning and disinfection of the bathrooms in the rooms.

  • The cleaning of the bathrooms should be done only with the products provided by the housekeeper or shift coordinator.
  • Dispose of garbage and wash the wastebasket with soap mixture.
  • Clean mirrors with a damp cloth.
  • Check that the flushometer is in good condition and that the toilet fills up to the indicated limit.
  • Wash the toilet, opening the lid and applying the corresponding solution, clean inside the bowl with the special brush, lower the lever and dry the chrome and lid to avoid staining.
  • Wash the bathroom glass cabinet and dry with a dry cloth.
  • Wash the bathroom floor and dry with the mop, pick up the remaining residues.
  • Place the paper roll making the courtesy fold.
  • Place clean towels.

Occupational Risks Identified

  • Biomechanical risk: critical postures in cleaning under the bed, spreading sheets and on the bed and washing floors, handling the broom and mop.
  • Chemical risk: Inhalation, ingestion or contact with chemical substances.
  • Risk due to safety conditions:
  • Mechanical, due to blows with work tools or structures.
  • Locative, location of elements in aisles, falls due to wet floors.
  • Electrical, due to connection of equipment for verification.


The records generated in the application of this procedure (safety inspections, inspection of the adequate use of Personal Protective Equipment) must be filed by the person in charge of the IMS.

Cleaning and disinfection control




Cleaning and disinfection report


DATE / /





Waste management in isolation

These guidelines have been developed taking into consideration evidence-based guidelines published by WHO and other reference documents. The competent authorities are constantly reviewing the national situation, as well as international recommendations to detect new data that may require revising the contents of this document.

In accordance with the precautionary principle and within the framework of health promotion and disease prevention actions, the management of waste from people with COVID-19 isolation measures should comply with the following recommendations:

  • Waste generated in the environment of the isolated person such as gloves, surgical mask and disposable or cloth handkerchiefs, among others shall be handled separately from other hotel waste.
  • Provide in the room an exclusive pedal-operated container for opening, with a lid and a black bag, which, once it reaches its ¾ full capacity, must be closed before leaving the room and placed in a second bag of the same color. For better identification of the bag by personnel, it is suggested that the bag be identified, for which white masking or insulating tape may be used.
  • In waste storage areas, waste should NOT be mixed or placed together with usable waste (white bag), organic waste (green bag) or in a bag other than black, in order to limit the possibility that they can be handled in search of usable material.
  • Persons handling waste generated in the guest’s environment should wear personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves.
  • If in the hotel there are several guests in isolation, a differentiated internal collection route may be established, the management will follow the provisions of this numeral and the external collection will be in accordance with the respective emergency and contingency plan as established in Resolution 154 of 2014 articulated with the Departmental, District and Municipal Health Secretariats or with the Risk and Disaster Management Unit when the municipality considers it.


Steps and procedures


Perform the following steps every day before and after each shift and whenever necessary.

Make sure to have the cleaning implements clean and disinfected, and the products on hand prepared according to the dosage of the technical data sheet.

Make sure to use the safety elements when starting the cleaning (gloves, masks).


Sweep all areas with the broom, verify that there is no residue in the corners, move all objects that hinder the work.


Collect all waste with a shovel and put them in garbage bags and take them to the bin provided for unusable waste (Green Bin – see document Waste Management GTC-24) and deposit them in the area provided for this purpose.


Make sure that the surface is clean and degreased using chemical soap products or, if necessary, use degreasers (Vixplac – see Technical Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet) in places with a lot of grease before applying the disinfectant solution directly on the surface.


Scrub the detergent solution with a stiff bristle brush until dirt or grease that may be adhered to a surface is removed.


Rinse with plenty of water and drain to the drain, or use a bucket with clean water dampening a cloth or mop in case of the floor in order to remove the residues of degreasing or soapy products that remain on the surfaces or floor, rinse the cloth or mop in the bucket with water, changing it until the soap disappears.


After rinsing, disinfect with the previously prepared solution of Quaternary Ammonium (Desinlux quaternary ammonium 5 generation) or with a disinfectant solution of Sodium Hypochlorite, based on the dosage recommended by the manufacturer of the product and the instructions of the technical data sheet (annexes), spray with an atomizer, equipment on the surfaces or dampen a cloth, clean mop in the solution and pass it all over the area that is already clean.

Let the disinfectant solution act according to the instructions on the container. 5 to 15 minutes


Fill out the disinfection form provided for control and review by the supervisor in charge. (Control form attached)


Allow to dry


 Cleaning Protocol Housekeeping Department

The Housekeeping Department at Hotel Isla Mucura has the objective of keeping all the internal and external areas of the hotel rooms in perfect condition. To do so, it must keep a rigorous control of everything related to cleaning and maintenance. Based on a cleaning and disinfection program, he/she organizes the work that must be carried out daily and guarantees the required quality, where the review is an important factor in favor of the client’s interests and the optimization of the services rendered. In order to be successful, the supervisor must carry out his work effectively. The waiter service will be performed in 3 phases: Entrance, Cleaning and disinfection, conditioning.

Cleaning and disinfection procedures

The surfaces of handles, plates, night stands, television controls, televisions, closets and all the internal and external equipment of the room must be cleaned and disinfected after Before being delivered to the guest, daily during their stay, at the end of the stay, or at the time it is required. All the objects of the same shall be washed and disinfected every day, with a more thorough washing and scrubbing at least once a week. Validating it in the control sheet.

Types of dirt:

Organic dirt such as blood, fluids, fungi, among others, and inorganic dirt such as mineral salts that accumulate in the sinks due to water evaporation and the formation of scale.

Cleaning operations are practiced by alternating separately or combining physical methods for scrubbing and chemical methods, which involve the use of detergents and disinfectants.

Waiting staff

The wait staff must be properly trained according to the guidelines stipulated in this protocol, and must comply with the biosecurity standards and norms of all collaborators working with Hotel Isla Mucura.

They must comply with the rules established for the entrance, during their work inside the establishment, the exit and their stay in the place of residence. Taking all control measures to avoid contagion.

The wait staff must always make proper use of personal protective equipment provided by Hotel Isla Mucura (see in use of PPE).

 The wait staff must fill out the forms designed for the control of cleanliness and disinfection of all rooms with their contents and common areas.

  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Beds
  • Equipment
  • Bathrooms
  • Toilets
  • Stained glass
  • Walls
  • Floors
  • Controls
  • Switches
  • Closet
  • Safety box



Phase 1 Entry: Airing, checking, lighting, inspection and collection.

Phase 2 Cleaning and disinfection: Cleaning of ceilings, walls, windows, movable objects and equipment.

Phase 3 Conditioning: provisioning as required.

Phase 1: Entry

Review of protective equipment and cleaning implements.

Validate and check that all the necessary protective equipment and cleaning supplies (gloves, mask covers, anti-fluid uniform) and disinfection supplies, clean cloths, brushes, soap and disinfectant solutions are available.

Knock on the door before entering

Warn the passenger that it is time to clean the room, and if the room is in check out then enter without touching the door.

(Here you will observe the ease of speech that a chambermaid has to relate to the guest so it is necessary that the chambermaid has good human relations).

Leaving the door open

A waitress leaves the door open so that there is no distrust with the guest, since she is the person who will clean the room, the waitress should be a reflection of sincerity and trust with the guest.

Place a “CLEANING” sign on the door.

Post a cleaning notice at the entrance to the room.

Open windows for ventilation

Ventilation of the room is very important as well as lighting.

Collect the guest’s clothes

When you find the guest’s clothes in the room, put them somewhere close to where they were taken. After cleaning, put them back in the place where they were found.

     Taking out the garbage

The chambermaid takes the wastebaskets and from them you should separate the usable and non-usable waste. Put all recyclable items such as cans, jars, cartons, clean paper, etc. in a separate bag. In a separate bag from the usable items found in the room to carry out the process of separation at source based on the established colorimetry and separate the non-usable waste (garbage) and remove them.

Then take out the bags used inside the trash can full of garbage and place a new plastic bag in place of it.

Collect valuables (when the room is in check out).

Check if the guest who was in the room did not leave any valuables and if forgotten, spray with disinfectant (quaternary ammonium or hypochlorite according to dosage data sheets attached) should be put in a bag marked with the room number, date and time, must be reported immediately to the supervisor on duty so that he fills out the report of forgotten objects, marking it with the name, telephone number and date of additional accommodation. After taking it must be kept to deliver it, the supervisor will be responsible for communicating as soon as possible with the guest owner of the forgotten object or objects that will be stored for 2 months, after this period will be delivered to dispose of them for donations.


Remove the trash bag and throw in it the garbage you see, separate the used plastic jars of shampoo, conditioner, hand cream, toothpaste, etc.. And remove it from the room.
Remove used towels from the bathroom to the outside of the room in the container provided for this purpose.
Remove sheets, bed sheets, blankets and pillowcases, if necessary remove protectors according to their condition for change.


Phase 2 Cleaning and disinfection: Cleaning of ceilings, walls, windows, movable objects and equipment.

Complete cleaning of the room

Dusting and spraying with disinfectant products. (see attached cleaning and disinfection process). Clean each and every one of the elements contained according to the cleaning and disinfection protocol. Let the products act for a minimum of 5 to 15 minutes.

Cleaning the bathroom

In the bathroom, the cleaning process is as follows:

Test the shower

Check if the water handles are in perfect condition, check the hot water and that there are no leaks (in case of observing leaks report to the supervisor so that he can send maintenance personnel.

Clean shower door

Clean, degrease and disinfect the internal and external handles with the established products first (see cleaning and disinfection procedure).

Clean the shower control handles.

 Clean mirrors

Use the glass cleaner and the damp cloth that had to be prepared before.

Clean the sink and its handles.

Clean the toilet:

Flush the toilet.
Clean the toilet with detergent and clean with the toilet brush, apply disinfectant again.
Clean the toilet lid using a small toilet brush and also using detergent and disinfectant.
Dry the toilet lid.
Wash the toilet base, using a squeegee and detergent.
Dry the toilet base.

Clean the toilet tank.

Clean both sides of the tank. And put sterilization information tape.

Clean the bathroom floor.

Use mop, brushes and rubber.
Spray soap solution on the floor.
Start washing the floor with the previously wet mop.
With the mop remove the little foam that was formed.
Use the clean mop to wring the water out of the floor and dry.
Use quaternary ammonium disinfectant or hypochlorite with spraying method based on the technical data sheets of the product. (see use of disinfectant) leave to act for a minimum of 5 to 15 minutes, and clean again.
Let the floor dry completely.


Phase 3 Fitting out: provisioning as established.

Place the supplies or amenities

  • Place personal hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, hand cream, soap, antibacterial gel and other amenities).
  • Place towels in the towel racks.
  • Place a new plastic bag in the bathroom wastebasket.
  • Check the condition of the paper dispenser and if it is low, remove it and place toilet paper in the toilet roll holder.
  • Place toe boards (floor mat) at the bathroom exit.
  • Turn off the bathroom lights.


Making the bed

Remove the sheets and pillowcases from the pillows and place them in the hopper.

Change the sheets

 Move the mattress, check periodic rotation label that is on the mattress, if it is not time to do it, continue with the next step otherwise (turn the mattress upside down), and again arrange it. For this procedure ask the supervisor to send maintenance personnel.

Placement of bed linen.

The bed linen has:

  • Muletón
  • Plastic protector
  • Fabric protector
  • Sheet
  • Over sheet
  • Blankets
  • Pillow Protector
  • Pillows
  • Pillowcases

Check the protector or pillowcase.


Sheet: The sheet should be well carved, this sheet should be placed at a right angle on the bottom side of the bed, it should be well tempered so that it does not loosen.

Over sheet: it should be up to the edge of the mattress at the top of the bed, and lower it to leave a distance of approximately ¼ of the mattress (about 20 cm.) at the rear upper edge to make the double, this sheet should be placed upside down so that when making the double the design is upwards.

 Blankets: Place the blankets in a visible place inside the ventilated closet, well folded.

Pillow protectors: Check that they are in good condition, otherwise report and request a change with the head waiter.

Pillows: Pillows should be placed in pillowcases and care should be taken not to get them dirty or wrinkled, these should be of the same color, shape or if they are printed they should be the same. Arrange the pillows on the headboard, leaving them in a horizontal position.

Cleaning of furniture and internal room furnishings

  • Clean the night tables.
  • Clean the closet.
  • Clean windows and glass.
  • Clean the floor.
  • Check lights.
  • Check lamps and controls, make sure they work.
  • Check the exterior door.
  • This is done to inspect that the door has no faults such as squeaking, knobs in poor condition or dirty, in short, everything to deliver the room in complete condition.
  • Finally it is ready to be delivered
  • Once all these steps have been completed, the chambermaid prepares the room report.


Implementation of Laundry Protocol

Hotel Isla Mucura, has its own laundry area, in which there are appropriate containers for the storage and separation of dirty and clean garments, so that in no case the garments are deposited on the floor.

Dirty linen and towels will be removed from the rooms and placed in bags, sacks or containers reserved for this purpose, avoiding that they are thrown on the floor in corridors and stairways.

Dirty linen shall be sent the same day to the laundry department, where they shall be washed or sorted.

Towels must be washed within 36 hours (1 day and a half) from the time they were removed from the rooms.

Sheets must be washed and ironed within 48 hours (2 days) from the time they were removed from the rooms.

Every day the linen service will attend to the request for linen made by the person in charge.

In order to be able to attend regularly to the requests of the chambermaid’s department, the laundry department will have at all times a minimum stock of garments ready for the client’s use, corresponding to the order of two days of change of linen (due to rotation and departure of clients), in times of maximum occupation of the establishment.


A linen garment or towel shall be considered clean and ready for the client’s use when:

  • There are no stains on the garment
  • There are no tears and the level of wear of the garment is acceptable.
  • The texture of the garment is pleasant to the touch.
  • It smells clean
  • It is not wrinkled and is properly ironed and/or folded.
  • The facilities dedicated to washing and ironing of linen and/or towels should be equipped with the necessary furniture for proper placement and classification of the linen inside.
    In the different movements of linen, direct contact with the floor or any other surface that is not considered hygienic shall be avoided, for which purpose the necessary facilities and utensils shall be provided.
  • Dirty, wet or similar garments shall be prevented from being deposited in the linen storage facilities.
  • Laundry and linen storage facilities shall be properly cleaned each day at the end of the service.
  • There shall be a warehouse with sufficient capacity to store the linen and towels in reserve stock available to the establishment that are not regularly used by customers. This warehouse shall have the most suitable environmental conditions for the best conservation of the garments. These conditions refer in general terms to: odors, humidity, temperature, lighting.

Drying machines will preferably be used for drying clothes, taking special care to indicate the most appropriate drying time and temperature for each type of garment. The high temperature will help the disinfection process of the garments in addition to the chemical products used in the washing.

The person responsible for the service will define the most appropriate ironing temperature for each type of garment.

Laundry linen and towel service

The chambermaid of each area, with the same frequency with which the cleaning service is provided, shall verify when changing linen and towels, the cleanliness and hygiene conditions and appearance of the same, and shall report any incidents observed and remove defective garments.

The person responsible for the service or waitress shall verify, or if appropriate, the person assigned by her or by the management of the establishment:

That all garments corresponding to the day have been received, according to the established service agreements.
That all garments received meet the requirements of cleanliness, softness, odor, ironing, etc…. that are those established as a standard of customer service.

Internal services:

All services have been performed on garments that entered the laundry within the established cut-off times for linens and towels.
All garments received meet the requirements for cleanliness, softness, odor, ironing, etc. …. that are established as a customer service standard.
Program specifications for laundry and ironing are being met.
The handling of linen and the condition of the facilities meet the established requirements.
Review of chemical usage chart to track inventory.


Implementation and protocol for cleaning and disinfection of common areas.

At least twice a day, the person in charge of the service, or the person designated by the person in charge, shall check:

That reception, corridors, stairways, rooms of regular use, interior service areas and toilets in common areas comply with the established hygiene and cleanliness requirements.

That the operation of lights and other equipment in these common areas is correct.

At the beginning of the main services of the restaurant, bars, wet areas and similar, the person in charge of service, or in its case the person assigned by it, will check:

That the established hygiene, cleaning and disinfection requirements are met.

Implementation and Protocol for Cleaning and Disinfection Restaurant and Bar

Bearing in mind that in order to carry out the commercial activity provided by the Hotel Isla Mucura it is required to offer food service through our restaurant, the supply of food or products for the preparation of dishes is essential and for this reason it must be included in the prevention protocol measures that allow us to mitigate the risk of contagion.

All kitchen, table and bar personnel must be trained and certified in current food handling processes and these must be renewed at least every year.

Before taking the products, hand hygiene measures must be applied and then put on gloves. In case you do not have the possibility to wash your hands with soap and water, use a glycerin alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Follow the entire cleaning and disinfection protocol, with products that guarantee asepsis in the kitchen and restaurant. Use of 5-generation quaternary ammonium and shock (use of a different product to avoid resistance to the usual chemical every 20 days) with sodium hypochlorite based on the technical data sheets and dosages recommended by the manufacturer.

The restaurant will be distributed in such a way that it has separate tables and chairs with a social distance of at least 1 meter and tables of at least 2 meters.

Kitchen Staff

The kitchen staff must be properly trained with the guidelines stipulated within this protocol, and must meet the biosafety standards and rules of all employees working with Hotel Isla Mucura.

They must comply with the rules established for the entrance, during their work inside the establishment, the exit and their stay in the place of residence. Taking all control measures to avoid contagion.

Kitchen staff must always make proper use of the personal protective equipment provided by Hotel Isla Mucura.

Kitchen staff must fill out the forms designed for the control of cleanliness and disinfection of all surfaces:

Kitchen utensils
Menage (auxiliary utensils that are placed on the table for service: salt shakers, pepper shakers, prepared sauces, mustards, vinaigrettes, toothpick holders, sugar bowls, ashtrays),

Cleaning and disinfection procedures

Surfaces of ovens, fryers, grills, counters and other kitchen facilities must be cleaned and disinfected after the start and end of the shift every day, and when required. The removable elements of the same shall be washed and disinfected every day at the end of work, with a more thorough washing being done at least once a week.

Types of dirt:

organic dirt such as chicken blood, fruit juice, among others, and inorganic dirt such as mineral salts that accumulate in the sinks due to water evaporation and the formation of scale.
Cleaning operations are practiced by alternating separately or combining physical methods for scrubbing and chemical methods, which involve the use of detergents and disinfectants. (see steps use and handling of chemicals for disinfecting).

Cleaning implements

Brushes, cloths, brooms, mops, sponges and implements used for cleaning will be washed and disinfected periodically.

Likewise, to avoid contamination, the same cleaning implements should not be used for all areas or equipment. Each area (rooms, kitchen, dining room, bar) will have its specific cleaning implements properly labeled.

Use of Chemical Products

When using any cleaning or disinfecting agent, it is important to respect the concentrations, times and conditions indicated for each product. In addition, it should be considered that there are different types of dirt, and depending on this, the cleaning and disinfecting techniques will be applied according to the manufacturer’s technical data sheets, which should be visible and easily accessible.

(Kitchen, Bar, Office Files)


 Kitchen utensils in restaurants and bars:

All kitchen and bar utensils should be metal and in no case should have wood composites.

Stainless steel work tables

Chopping boards, in high density polyethylene, Teflon with color code as follows:

  • Yellow color: white meats (chicken, turkey).
  • Blue color: fish and seafood.
  • Green color: fruits and vegetables.
  • Red color: red meats (beef, lamb).
  • White color: pasta, bread and cheese.

Handling of inputs and products

  • Ensure that the supplier of inputs and products complies with the protocols established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
  • Establish a protocol for receiving inputs and products.
  • Establish a protocol for cleaning and disinfection of products when receiving them from suppliers and delivering them to clients.
  • Ensure quality and hygienic conditions during storage.
  • Reduce physical contact in the movement of products between people.
  • For finished products, it is recommended to use tamper-resistant seals or double bags to ensure that they are not contaminated.
  • Do not repackage inputs or products in containers that may confuse general service personnel or workers.
  • Description of the input storage site.
  • Safety data sheets of the chemical products used.
  • Labeling of prepared dilutions.
  • Handling and disposal of detergent, soap and disinfectant containers.

Implementation and protocol for storage and handling of supplies.

The personnel in charge of purchasing and receiving inputs, materials, tools and food products must comply with all the standards established in the protocol, using all preventive measures and handling of products and inputs. The personnel are duly trained according to the stipulations of this protocol, and must comply with the biosafety standards and norms of all collaborators working with Hotel Isla Mucura.

  • Suppliers are evaluated, which have high standards of quality and biosafety, duly certified.
  • That food products have ample and sufficient expiration dates and the sanitary records required by law.
  • That the products are labeled and marked with expiration dates and batches.
  • That transportation personnel comply with the measures and protocols established in the food transportation regulations and resolutions, and if they are cold or frozen, that the cold chain is not lost.
  • Suppliers shall deliver the products or supplies to the area manager of Hotel Isla Mucura at the entrance where the chemicals are stored for subsequent disinfection with Desinlux Quaternary Ammonium or sodium hypochlorite based on the technical data sheet and dosage, before entering the hotel.
  • Products that are repackaged must be properly labeled with the name of the product and expiration date.
  • Cleaning and disinfection products should be distributed by service areas and should not be handled in areas other than those labeled.
  • Chemical product containers must be disposed of according to the existing protocol and annexed as hazardous waste for subsequent collection and final disposal by the contracted company at least once a month.
  • All products received must be immediately entered into the inventory and after disinfection must be properly stored and marked in the corresponding area.

Waste management

  • Identify waste generated in the work area.
  • Inform the population of measures for the correct separation of waste.
  • Place sufficient containers and bags for waste separation. Mouth masks and gloves should be separated in double black bags that should not be opened by the personnel performing the recycling. In addition, they must be separated from usable waste such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and metal, which must be unoccupied and dry and placed in a white bag.
  • Carry out permanent waste collection and waste storage.
  • Clean and disinfect the containers.
  • Submit waste to the external collection service according to the collection frequency.
  • Provide protective equipment to personnel performing this activity.
  • Whenever the personnel in charge of cleaning and disinfection finish their work, they should include, at least, the hand hygiene procedure.

Implementation and protocol for waste management

Final Disposal of Hazardous Waste

. The hotel has container jars (Guardians) and bins to dispose of these, and they are stored in the demarcated waste collection center. Guests are informed that we have a place available for needles, blades, or items contaminated with blood or organic waste at the front desk in case they wish to use it, and it is kept in a visible place.

Due to the emergency caused by the Covid – 19, waste such as latex gloves and used masks will be disposed of properly in a red bin which will contain inside a black bag with the word COVID – 19 to identify its contents as part of the Biosafety protocol in compliance with resolution 666 of 2020.

Hazardous Waste Storage Center and Containers

The temporary storage collection center meets all the technical conditions of ventilation, lighting, water, fire extinguisher, demarcation and cleaning for the containment of the Hotelfectantes waste.

Hazardous Waste Management Manual


To establish guidelines aimed at providing safe and responsible management of the waste generated from the environmental, quality and safety and health of the product and protection of the employees who handle it, according to its characteristics, volume, origin, treatment costs, possibilities of recovery and / or use, marketing and final disposal, based on the following principles:

Work on initiatives and practices of waste minimization and utilization; leading to compliance with the sustainability strategy.
Maximize separation, reuse and recycling, avoiding cross contamination.
Maximize income from commercialization.
Responsible and effective final disposal, minimizing costs.
Promote a culture of post-consumption.


The Integrated Solid Waste Management program applies to all waste generated in the normal operation of the company, passing through each and every one of its areas. In addition, it contemplates the different activities that are part of this process, such as: collection, separation, storage and final disposal of solid waste.

This procedure is applicable to all the company’s processes.




– Define strategies and achievement of objectives.

– Enforce this procedure

– Be an interlocutor with the environmental authorities and the company.

– Maintain updated legal documentation on transportation, treatment and final disposal of solid waste.

AUTHORITY: Make decisions to avoid the effectiveness of this procedure.



– Ensure the proper disposal of waste

– Promote the availability of personnel to attend training or campaigns.

– Generate innovative ideas in the process that contribute to waste minimization.

AUTHORITY In case of finding a contractor performing unsafe practices associated with waste management, any professional has the authority to suspend the work until further notice and inform the IMS Coordinator.


RESPONSIBILITY: Follow up the indicators.

AUTHORITY: Make decisions to avoid the effectiveness of this procedure.



Waste: Any object, material, substance or element resulting from the consumption or use of a good in domestic, industrial, commercial, institutional or service activities, which the generator abandons, rejects or delivers and which is susceptible to use or transformation into a new good, with economic value or final disposal. Waste is divided into usable and non-usable. Likewise, waste from sweeping public areas is also considered as waste.
Generation of waste: It includes activities in which materials are sorted and/or collected together for disposal.
Final disposal of solid waste: Is the process of isolating and confining waste, especially non-usable waste, in a definitive manner, in places specially selected and designed to avoid contamination and damage or risks to human health and the environment.
Collection: Includes not only the collection of solid waste and recyclable materials, but also the transportation of these materials to the place or container that the company must have.
Recycling: This is the process by which the recovered waste is used and transformed and the materials are given back their potential for reincorporation as raw materials or inputs for the manufacture of new products. Recycling may consist of several stages: clean technology processes, industrial reconversion, separation, selective collection, stockpiling, reuse, transformation and commercialization.
Recyclable material: Material that is used in all areas of the company and that can be reprocessed into a raw material that can be used again. For example: paper, glass and cans.
Non-recyclable material: Material that does not meet the characteristics of recyclable material, i.e., even if it is treated it cannot be used again, for example: toilet paper, paper towels.
Organic material will be all those coming from edible waste.
Inorganic material: waste obtained from inorganic material, i.e. not easily degradable.
Storage: The action of temporarily placing solid waste in containers, deposits, reusable or disposable containers while it is being processed for use, transformation, commercialization or collection service for treatment.
Utilization: The process by which, through integrated waste management, recovered materials are efficiently reincorporated into the economic and productive cycle through reuse, recycling, incineration or another modality that entails health, environmental and/or economic benefits.
Reuse: It is the extension and adaptation of the useful life of the recovered waste and that by means of processes, operations or techniques return to the materials their possibility of use in their original function or in some related one, without requiring additional transformation processes.
Treatment: The set of operations, processes or techniques by which the characteristics of the waste are modified to increase its reusability or to minimize environmental impacts and risks to human health.
Hazardous waste: Waste that due to its infectious, toxic, explosive, corrosive, flammable, volatile, combustible, radioactive or reactive characteristics may cause risk to human health or deteriorate environmental quality to levels that cause risk to human health. Hazardous wastes are also those that are not hazardous in their original form but are transformed by natural processes into hazardous wastes. Likewise, containers, packaging and wrappings that have been in contact with them are considered hazardous waste.



It is based on minimizing waste generation, separation at the source, avoiding cross-contamination, recovery of all usable solid waste, safe handling of hazardous waste, and adequate transportation and storage to the collection site or the facility’s collection center and to final disposal or recycling sites outside the plant’s facilities.

In order to establish an integrated solid waste management plan, the following aspects, among others, should be considered:

  • Identify the existing waste segregation elements and their needs. (personal protection elements).
  • The classification of the waste must be taken into account.
  • Record the handling given to each waste from the generation site (temporary storage, internal transport and disposal). (temporary storage, internal transport and final disposal).
  • Note special characteristics to be taken into account in handling, such as large volumes, wet, contaminated with other wastes, etc.
  • Record the documents evidencing the volumes and dates of delivery of the waste (used, ordinary and ELVs) to the third party in order to have traceability on the external management of the waste.

Current regulations are available for consultation in the Environmental Legal Requirements Matrix and are monitored and updated by the IMS Coordinator.

Evidence of compliance with applicable legislation is kept up to date in the Legal Matrix.

The following aspects, among others, are considered for the integrated management of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste in the company:


Classification, Characterization, Identification and Quantification

There is a general classification matrix for the classification, characterization, identification and quantification of the generated WEEE, taking into account their origin, process and final disposal.

Training and awareness-raising program.

  • The company implements training programs to create a culture of waste generation reduction and to promote the reuse and recycling of waste; these programs are given to all in-house and subcontracted personnel.
  • The training is designed and delivered according to the profile of the personnel in each area and the most characteristic waste generated there.
  • The training program includes aspects such as specific procedures for reduction, reuse, and recycling, personnel roles and responsibilities, coordination mechanisms, and current regulations. This activity is coordinated with the Human Resources area.
  • The IMS Leaders together with the person in charge of the process must:
  • Develop the schedule for the implementation of the training program and development of the same, covering all company personnel.
  • Manage the training according to the established schedule, keeping attendance records and evaluating the effectiveness of the training.

During internal audits, the training and competencies of the personnel in charge of solid waste management will be verified.

Collection points and collection routes.

The company establishes the locations of solid waste separation points, collection centers, and other places where waste is stored for each area of the company. This table must be updated and must include information on who reviewed and approved it, among other aspects.

The company controls that the storage of waste at the separation points should be as minimal as possible to avoid the generation of offensive odors and the attraction of rodents and other pests.

It determines the appropriate place for the storage, washing, cleaning and disinfection of containers, collection vehicles and other implements used, as well as the frequency with which they are washed, including the collection center.

Drainage from this place must lead to sewage networks or internal networks that lead to the treatment plant, where applicable. In any case, it should not lead to rainwater networks or bodies of water.

Containers that contain hazardous waste and have had direct contact with the stored substances will be cleaned with appropriate materials and disposed of as hazardous waste, considering the health and safety measures and guidelines defined in the substances’ Safety Data Sheets.

When there are small quantities of hazardous waste, without risk of cross-contamination between them, they are disposed of in the red bins located in the areas where they are generated.

Colors and signage of containers and separation points.

The containers must be made of resistant materials such as high-strength plastics or metal, which do not deteriorate easily, whose design and capacity facilitate the storage and handling process. They shall be:

  • Visible and located where they are easily accessible and identifiable.
  • Marked with the corresponding legend and symbol.
  • In the color corresponding to the type of waste to be deposited, according to the nomenclature adopted by the Company.

The hazardous waste symbol will only be used when the waste has the characteristics established in MMADT Decree 4741 of 2005: corrosive, reactive, explosive, combustible, toxic, flammable, volatile, infectious, radioactive.

The signage of the segregation zones allows the area to be visible from any point within the area it covers and has the following characteristics:

  • Indicates the location of the containers within the zone.
  • It uses the same color code as the containers.
  • Signed and sized to be visible from any point within the area of influence.

In addition to the above characteristics, it is recommended to implement the following signage to facilitate proper separation:

  • Clear signs with information that facilitates classification, such as listing the characteristic type of waste generated in each area, defining its correct classification in the list.
  • Publish graphs or performance indicators in the separation of each zone that motivates and evaluates the management of each area in this matter.

The following is a model guide of information for the correct classification of waste and for the control of waste generated in each area.



Occupational Health and Safety Programs.

The person in charge manages the implementation of hazard identification and risk assessment in and handling procedures according to the characteristics of the waste, covering the stages of segregation, internal transportation, temporary storage and evacuation of waste from the facilities. These programs are dynamic and are adjusted when changes occur. These activities are coordinated with the IMS Leader.

Contingency Plan.

Defines the measures to be taken with respect to solid waste management in emergency situations due to events such as earthquakes, fires, problems with the public waste collection service, suspension of activities of companies that remove or purchase waste, public disturbances, and accidents, among others.

The emergency preparedness and response protocols include a chapter defining the management of waste generated in the event of an emergency and its risk control mechanisms. These environmental aspects and impacts are analyzed in the hazard and risk overview documented at each plant by applying the corresponding procedure,

Monitoring and Follow-up System.

In addition to internal audits, the company will conduct monthly monitoring of management indicators in areas such as generation, use, and/or personnel training. Based on these indicators, goals are set and performance is evaluated. The SMS Leader evaluates performance through the indicators of % of utilization according to the following classification:

  • Kg Recyclable Waste/ Px
  • Kg Unserviceable Waste/ PX
  • Kg Organic waste / Px
  • Kg Hazardous waste / PX

Waste Management indicators should be part of the visual measurement for workers.

On a monthly basis, the SGS Leader, fills out the waste report and reports it when required to the Manager Based on this information, follow-up on the management performed is carried out.


Treatment or final disposal will be in accordance with local infrastructure and current legislation.

The final disposal of waste generated in the company is as follows:

  • Sale/marketing of usable waste: plastics, paper, cardboard, metals, scrap metal, derecognized assets, organic waste, wood.
  • Controlled marketing or return to suppliers because of hazardous characteristics: used oils, lights, batteries, printer toner.
  • Landfill disposal: domestic waste, organic waste,
  • Disposal in landfills or authorized incorporation into the soil: for construction debris.
  • Disposal in an authorized company for organic waste
  • Disposal in authorized company for hazardous waste


A waste is hazardous when it has at least one of the following characteristics: corrosive, reactive, explosive, combustible, toxic, flammable, volatile, infectious, radioactive.

In case of doubt, a waste will be categorized according to the above classification based on certified laboratory analysis.

Listed below are some of the hazardous wastes found in our facilities.

  • Luminaires
  • Batteries
  • Solvents, chemicals (depending on their characteristics)
  • Contaminated tow
  • Packaging
  • Biological waste
  • Printer toner
  • Among others

Note: Any container, packaging, packing or material that has been in direct contact with any hazardous substance must be handled and disposed of as hazardous waste and is therefore considered as such.

In the transportation of hazardous waste, compliance with Decree 1609 of 2002 on the transportation of hazardous goods by third parties in charge must always be verified.


Management supports.

The following documents should be kept as support for the waste management carried out, being of much greater relevance those related to hazardous waste.

Certificate(s) from the company(ies) collecting the waste to be used, treated or disposed of, along with a copy of the environmental permits or licenses (authorizing the specific disposal of the hazardous waste and the list of waste authorized by the competent authority) of these companies, and the chamber of commerce certificate.
Departure consignment and/or weighing ticket from the company’s exit scale indicating the quantities of waste extracted.
Final Waste Disposal Certificates from the external waste manager (HAZARDOUS and NON HAZARDOUS) showing the quantity, treatment and final disposal of the waste.
In the case of final disposal or treatment of hazardous waste, the management supports must be kept for a minimum period of five (5) years.
For recyclable waste, records of material delivery shall be kept for one (1) year.
The Waste Control form must be filled out for each exit of the company’s waste.


For the internal storage of waste there will be a site exclusively for this purpose,

The following are the characteristics that the collection center must have.

Located inside the facilities and without direct access from the outside.
Have spaces for each type of waste, according to its characteristics. The basic categorization is suggested: paper, cardboard, glass, metals, wood, plastics, hazardous waste, domestic waste, consistent with Table

The dimensions of the collection center should be determined according to the volume of waste generated and the frequency of collection.
Be located in a place that allows easy access for collection vehicles and avoids long trips by the collector within the facilities.
Have scales to record and control waste generation.
Exclusive use for storing solid waste and properly signposted.
Placement of sufficient signage, ensuring that the material contained in the containers can be easily read from different views.

Containers must follow the color code and signage specified in the table Covered for rainwater protection.

  • Adequate lighting and ventilation.
  • Smooth, easy-to-clean walls, hard, washable floors with a slight slope to the interior and rounded internal corners for easy cleaning.
  • Fire extinguisher.
  • Water supply and drains for washing.
  • Prevent access by vectors such as rodents, etc.
  • The room for the storage of hazardous waste will have the following specifications: o With concrete foundations provided with an impermeable and resistant coating against the materials to be stored.
    Roofed and provided with a protection against rain (including lateral protections).
  • In the storage of liquids, provide tanks and dike to collect liquids in case of spills, in addition to absorption materials (e.g. sand) to collect spills.
  • With a chain link door and a device to guarantee access control.
  • Do not allow access to unauthorized persons.


The bins used for depositing different types of waste are made of plastic in most areas with a swing lid and in the restrooms with an indirectly operated lid (pedal); they are also duly identified by color code and marked according to the type of waste to be deposited.
To ensure proper separation of solid waste, bins and bags are used in accordance with the following code


Within the company, each of the aforementioned areas has established a daily solid waste collection frequency to prevent the accumulation of solid waste and the contamination that can be generated.

All solid waste (organic, recyclable and non-recyclable) is collected daily by the sanitation personnel once the sections have been cleaned. The final disposal of these wastes is established as follows:

Recyclable solid waste is placed in a closed room for storage while it is collected by recycling personnel from around the company. They are taken twice a month.
Non-recyclable/ordinary waste (green bags) is collected daily inside the company and compacted before being taken to the garbage room.
Some waste, such as batteries containing hazardous waste such as cadmium, are deposited in a specific container for such waste.


Where possible, the hotel will have commercial relationships with suppliers that handle post-consumer management (lighting fixtures-chemical containers).

This requirement is limited due to the fact that the hotel is located on an island, and is limited to the conditions of local suppliers.



To adequately manage the collection and disposal of liquid waste generated daily in the Company in order to protect the environment and avoid contamination of the city’s water supply networks.

Environmental Authority: Responsible for the surveillance, recovery, conservation, protection, regulation, management, use, exploitation and control of renewable natural waste and the environment.
Load: The product of the average concentration by the average flow determined at the same site; it is expressed in kilograms per day (kg/d).
Treatment plant: It is the set of works, equipment, technology and materials necessary to carry out the processes to comply with the quality standards for liquid discharges.
Screen – SievesThey are used to retain coarse solids, facilitating the flow of the discharge.
Crushers Cut and grind coarse materials into fine particles of 6 – 20 mm.
Grease traps Tanks in which the water flow is slowed to cool and pond, so that the grease floats and is easily removed.
Liquid Industrial Waste Treatment: Liquid waste treatment generally generates solid waste and sludge that must be treated before final disposal so that it does not affect the environment.
Pretreatment Consists of separating suspended solids. It includes stationary separators such as grids, slides or self-cleaning rotating separators.
Liquid wastes are generated by:

* Cleaning and disinfection products

* Laundry

* Bathroom products in rooms

The hotel implements good practices for liquid waste management.

Biodegradable products

Cleaning protocols


Solid waste inspection










Date(KG) Orgánics% Orgánic(KG) NON-usable% NON-usable(KG) Usable% Usable(KG) dangerous% dangerous(KG)

Training format based on the Hotel’s Emergency Plan where instructions are given to employees in emergencies where it is indicated in case of contamination or spill that should be handled.

Prevention and management of contagion risk situations.

To prevent COVID-19 infection, it is necessary to know the company’s organization, production process, tasks, procedures, work equipment, exposure time (working days or shifts), worker characteristics (health status, age, sex). This information makes it possible to identify the characteristics prone to exposure to contagion in the workplace.

The company must provide mechanisms to prevent the dissemination or indirect transmission of viruses through contaminated elements (work surfaces, machines or work equipment, personal protective equipment, work clothes supplied by the employer or contractor, water, food, biological products, blood). And ensure strategies that limit direct transmission through contact.

Within the framework of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, the health conditions of workers must be identified (health status, habits and lifestyle, risk factors associated with susceptibility to contagion), as well as the conditions of the work sites through periodic inspection visits.

Surveillance of workers’ health in the context of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System SG-SST.

All workers must comply with the hand-washing protocol before entering the facilities or starting work and during the workday, at least every 3 hours and at the end of the workday.

All persons entering the hotel must undergo a daily health and temperature monitoring procedure, using a laser or digital thermometer (which must be cleaned and disinfected after each use), taking the reading at the entrance and exit of each worker’s shift, with the appropriate nominal record.

This measure also applies to personnel working at home or remotely, who must report their health status and temperature readings by e-mail or telephone to their immediate supervisor or occupational health and safety area, according to the company’s organizational structure.

Do not allow the entry and/or accompaniment to the facilities of people who show symptoms of flu or fever greater than or equal to 38°C.

Format for the registration and control of symptoms or temperature.








The night auditor must make the daily report via email or telephone through the CoronApp application, on the health status and temperature of personnel working with the company in person or remotely, according to self-diagnosis to identify symptoms and trajectories of exposure to COVID-19 of workers.

Workers entering the shift must go directly to the place where they are prepared to leave their clothes in a locker. There they should also remove their jewelry, watches and accessories of any kind, which may become a risk for the transmission of the virus.

If any worker or guest presents respiratory symptoms in the hotel, he/she should be provided with a conventional mask, placed in an area that allows isolation and his/her state of health should be evaluated taking into account the notification channels established within the company to define the conduct to be followed.

  • Ensure compliance with the provisions and recommendations of the health authorities in relation to the prevention of COVID-19 infection, as set forth in this protocol.
  • Establish a verification system for control at the time of positive notification (preferably digital), in which each worker and person providing services for the company, record all persons and places visited inside and outside the operation, indicating: Date, place, name of persons or number of persons with whom contact has been had, in the last 10 days and from the first moment of notification, every day.
  • Do not allow the entry and/or accompaniment to the facilities of persons with flu symptoms or fever higher or equal to 38°C.
  • Daily report, via email or telephone or through the CoronApp application, on the health status and temperature of personnel working at home or remotely, according to self-diagnosis that allows identifying symptoms and trajectories of exposure to COVID-19 of workers.
  • Encourage self-care, especially monitoring of body temperature and respiratory symptoms by workers.
  • Before entering the facilities or starting work and during the workday, carry out the hand washing protocol, establishing a minimum frequency of every 3 hours and at the end of the workday.
  • Establish the information channel between the employer and the EPS, the ARL and the worker to report any suspected symptom or close contact with persons confirmed with COVID-19 and handle it confidentially.
  • Consolidate and keep updated a complete database with workers and other personnel providing services in the Company. Taking into account information reservations.
  • A daily process of monitoring the health and temperature of personnel should be developed. If possible, using laser or digital thermometer (which should be cleaned and disinfected after each use), taking the temperature at the entrance and exit of the shift per worker, with the proper nominal record in the format established by the company. This measure also applies to personnel working at home or remotely, who must report their health status and temperature readings by e-mail or telephone to their immediate supervisor or occupational health and safety area, according to the company’s organizational structure.
  • Establish a protocol to verify health status (report respiratory symptoms and take temperature) when entering suppliers’ and customers’ facilities.
  • Instruct workers, suppliers and customers in the application of respiratory etiquette, which includes covering the nose when coughing or sneezing with the forearm or a disposable tissue and disposing of it immediately after use. Refrain from touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
  • If the appropriate human resources are not available, it is not recommended to test asymptomatic persons for COVID-19.
  • Disseminate information to workers on general information and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection regarding alarm symptoms, guidelines and protocols for preparedness and response to the presence of COVID-19 in the national territory.
  • Provide advice and accompaniment to workers or collaborators, including preventive isolation.

Remote work or telecommuting:

The company must guarantee continuous training through the training and development area or whoever takes its place, with the technological tools available, allowing to be in communication with them.
In turn, use virtual content to strengthen skills.
Workers over 60 years of age and workers with pre-existing morbidities identified as risk factors for COVID-19 must perform remote work.
It is the responsibility of employers to perform labor reconversion analysis according to the conditions and viability of the production process, for those cases that require preventive isolation.

Additionally, the following profiles will be able to work remotely:

Advisors who have connectivity at home, allowing the continuity of their work.
Telemarketing activities, general sales and collections.
Transversal and administrative support areas.

Face-to-face work:

For the development of work activities in a face-to-face manner the company must train all workers in aspects related to the way of transmission of COVID-19 and ways to prevent it, following the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, which as a minimum must contain:

  • General information related to the places in the company where there may be risk of exposure.
  • Household and community risk factors.
  • Individual risk factors.
  • Signs and symptoms.
  • Importance of reporting health conditions.
  • Symptom action protocol.
  • Respiratory etiquette protocol, which includes covering the nose when coughing or sneezing with the forearm or a disposable tissue and disposing of it immediately after use, washing hands immediately, and refraining from touching the mouth, nose and eyes.
  • All workers in remote work, operation centers or in external activities, must perform the hand washing protocol with a minimum periodicity of 3 hours where the contact with soap must last at least 20 seconds according to WHO guidelines, and after coming into contact with surfaces that may have been contaminated by another person (handles, handrails, locks, transportation), after going to the bathroom, handling money and before and after eating.
  • It is essential to avoid touching any item that is not essential to touch and disinfect lockers, keys, suitcases, among others.
  • If the person presents respiratory symptoms at work, he/she should be provided with a conventional mask, placed in an area that allows his/her isolation and his/her health condition should be evaluated taking into account the notification channels established within the company to define the conduct to be followed.
  • The company should seek advice and support from its ARL to meet the mental health needs of workers or collaborators, including cases of social isolation or work at home.
  • Encourage healthy lifestyle habits with workers, such as frequent hydration, active breaks and reducing tobacco consumption as a preventive measure.
  • Active breaks must be taken in accordance with the provisions of the company’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System. It is not necessary to remove personal protective equipment such as masks in order to take these breaks; it is necessary to guarantee a minimum distance of 2 meters between each worker. At the end of the active breaks, it is necessary to perform the hand washing protocol before returning to work activities.
  • Promote and implement the use of technological tools that reduce personal contacts within the company (for example: virtual meetings).
  • Workers should refrain from going to the workplace in case of flu symptoms or a fever higher than 38°C.

Implementation of prevention and management of contagion risk situations for employees working in person and teleworking.

All personnel will be trained in the prevention and management of COVID-19 contagion risk situations, and will be trained at least twice a month.

The supervisor will be in charge of monitoring and permanently controlling compliance with the preventive rules set forth in this protocol.

Employees or guests will not be allowed to enter the facilities if they show symptoms of flu or fever above 38 degrees when registering or checking in.

In order to promote self-care, a daily record of temperature taken by a single person in charge at the entrance and exit of the workplace will be made (teleworkers will send electronically their health status and temperature measurement).

Each person will declare their health status and diseases that are within the risk situation or if they suffer or live with a person who has one or more of these conditions or diseases considered high risk: Pregnancy Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease – Hypertension – HT, Cerebrovascular Accident – CVA), HIV, Cancer, Use of corticosteroids or immunosuppressants, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD, malnutrition (obesity and malnutrition). And thus take appropriate measures to prevent the spread or spread of COVID-19. (preserving the privacy that is provided within the privacy policy and data processing with proper authorization).

The primary data base is updated, such as contact telephone numbers, family, e-mails of all employees in case of emergencies to be able to inform in a timely manner (preserving the privacy that is provided in the privacy policy and data processing with due authorization).

Supervisors and air managers are obliged to report any news about the health status or changes of employees to follow the reporting procedure to the surveillance entities, Eps, and Arl.

The COVID-19 disease is updated in the occupational risk matrix in the OSHMS format and the pertinent actions.


Work organization alternatives

Adopt operational schemes that guarantee the continuity of the service or activity and reduce the risk of contagion for workers and other people providing services to the company.
Implement flexible work shifts or shifts of entry and exit throughout the day, in order to avoid agglomerations of workers at the entrance and exit, in work centers and in mass transportation.
The maximum number of workers per shift should be clearly determined depending on the conditions of the workplace for administrative, production, operational and/or dispatch center personnel, among others.
The company can encourage the use of alternative means of transportation.

Interaction during meal times.

During feeding times, limit the number of people performing the activity simultaneously so that the minimum distance between them is guaranteed. Establish shifts or flexible feeding and resting schedules to avoid crowds.

  • Avoid eating in areas that are not designed for this purpose.
  • If food is not supplied by the company and the worker is in charge of heating food in microwave ovens, cloths and glycerin alcohol should be available to clean the control panel between each person who uses it, or designate someone to be in charge of handling the ovens.
  • Clean and disinfect before and after using the food areas.

Before taking food, it is necessary to perform the following protocol:

  • Wash hands with water, soap and disposable towels.
  • Remove the mask.
  • Wash hands again with soap and water,
  • Arrange the tables with a distance of 2 meters between them and place only the number of chairs to ensure a minimum distance between workers of 2 meters at feeding time and between each shift perform disinfection processes.
  • At the end of the food consumption, it is necessary to wash hands with soap and water and use a new mask to resume work.
  • Do not share eating utensils with other workers.

Premises measures

  • In common areas and work areas, provide enough washrooms for frequent hand washing, which should be in accordance with the work areas and the number of workers, according to the recommendations of the health authorities.
  • Double lockers should be provided to prevent their ordinary clothes from coming into contact with work clothes.
  • Ensure that disinfectants are available near commuting and work areas.
  • Ensure proper air circulation and avoid the use of air conditioners or fans in the facility. Take measures to promote air circulation and air exchange in closed or poorly ventilated spaces, and maintain ventilation equipment and systems.
  • Ensure the availability of clean water, liquid soap and disposable or single-use towels in bathrooms.
  • Provide hand-washing sinks to avoid crowds when washing hands.
  • Provide covered bins for the final disposal of single-use or disposable biosafety items used by workers.
  • Eliminate fingerprint entry control systems and implement alternative systems where possible. If this is not possible, establish mechanisms for frequent disinfection of the device and hand disinfection after registration, for example, with glycerin alcohol.


Hotel Isla Mucura, has taken measures against physical distancing for the safety and health of its employees and collaborators for which these measures are decreed:

Employees, guests, suppliers and visitors will find these products in all areas marked for cleaning and disinfection. There are reminders of the hand washing technique in the areas where this activity is performed.

Men’s and women’s restrooms in the restaurant

The products and containers will be properly marked with the name of the product. For more information, see the attached technical data sheet and safety sheet.

Dry with single-use towels (paper towels) arranged in the different areas that are demarcated for cleaning and disinfection of hands.


Work shifts are organized in flexible schedules and/or half shifts so that at least each of the work and service areas are covered, with no more than 5 people per space and a distance greater than two meters between them.


Restaurant tables, tables and chairs in common areas and wet areas are organized in such a way that the minimum distance of 2 meters is maintained to avoid overcrowding.

Restaurant shifts are established so that those who wish to buy their food can do so at different times (30 minutes) avoiding staff crowds and observing the social distancing. In a separate place from the guests.

Shifts are established for breakfast, lunch and dinner for guests to choose from, not exceeding the maximum capacity, keeping the distance between tables and chairs. Thus:

Breakfasts: 8am to 10am, in shifts of 30 minutes pre-established and agreed with the guests, and the buffet service is temporarily suspended therefore the dishes included in the cost of the service will be served plated.

Lunches: 12:00pm to 2:00pm in shifts of 30 minutes.

Dinners: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in 30-minute shifts.

Work tools and supplies

Once the work is finished, the personal protective equipment for COVID-19 must be removed and disposed of. If it is possible for these to be washed and disinfected, the necessary recommendations will be made for handling them inside the employee accommodations. These should be washed at the end of the workday and not be combined or mixed with family clothing.
For personnel related to the operation of each sector, as well as for personnel in the administrative, commercial, technical service or maintenance, and customer service areas, among others, the company must review and update, if necessary, the hygiene and safety procedures for personnel, including cleaning and disinfection activities for their work items (equipment, machinery, elements or tools necessary to carry out the work), personal protective equipment and work clothes, when applicable, at the beginning and end of the workday.
Duly labeled chemical products are used, and disinfection control is carried out on all work implements and tools to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (see annexes on chemical products).
Review the protocol on personal protective equipment where all preventive measures are taken and the PPE use manual.

FIRST: In the event that any person (external visitor) in general, must enter the facilities of the hotel Isla Múcura, for the realization of any type of diligence, must request two (2) hours in advance and in writing, the authorization to be granted by the hotel administration for entry, according to the need and purpose of your visit.

SECOND: Any person entering the Hotel Isla Múcura, compulsorily and without exception, must wear a mask that fully covers the nose and mouth, which must be kept properly throughout their stay at the hotel.

THIRD: Any person entering the Hotel Isla Múcura, must do so through the main door, which is located towards the center of the island and is identified as “main door”, for which you must:

From the entrance through the main door, the temperature of the visitors will be taken, which should not be higher than 38, because in such case the visitor will not be able to enter the hotel.
The visitor, after taking the temperature, must absolve a series of questions, tending to establish the absence of symptoms associated with Covid 19, flu, fever, respiratory diseases, among others. If any of these symptoms are evidenced, regardless of the temperature recorded, entry will be prohibited.
The visitor must wash his hands thoroughly in the place provided for this purpose and apply the antibacterial gel that will be provided to his hands and immediately report to the administration, to be directed to the place where he must move.

Under no circumstances may you enter the hotel facilities through any other place other than the one provided for admission, much less without the necessary biosecurity and asepsis control.

It is absolutely forbidden to move or walk through the common and private areas of the Hotel Isla Múcura, the movements must be made only by the demarcated and authorized areas.

Those who do not comply with the sanitary and biosecurity measures adopted, may not enter the Hotel Isla Múcura. It is important to remember that if the Covid 19 virus spreads as a result of non-compliance with these measures, this may result in criminal penalties for the person responsible.

Train workers in basic aspects related to the way in which COVID-19 is transmitted and the ways to prevent it:

Hotel Isla Mucura personnel are trained on basic aspects of how COVID is transmitted, taking control of training and taking into account the measures established in this same protocol of groups of no more than 5 people and in an airy place, keeping the distance between them no less than 2mts, Likewise instruction is given that within its CoronApp application will have available valid and updated information on risks and handling, in addition to contact numbers in case of symptoms of COVID-19 The content of the training is governed on the guidelines dictated in resolution 666 of April 24, 2020 and the following measures are taken:

Have general information related to the places in the company where there may be a risk of exposure.
Household and community risk factors
Individual risk factors
Signs and symptoms
Importance of reporting health conditions
Proper use of PPE
Hand washing.
Cleaning and disinfection

Measures in coordination with Administrators of Occupational Risks – ARL

Include the biological risk factor for COVID-19 coronavirus infection in the hazard identification, evaluation and risk assessment to identify the activities of greatest exposure and thus determine the controls to be implemented, including the distribution of work spaces and location of personnel for the physical distancing of workers, in accordance with what is indicated in this document.
Design, with the advice of the ARL, the checklist to identify potential risks and establish the necessary operational controls prior to the start of the work activity.
The checklist is applied and according to it, what is established in this protocol is done and implemented with the support of information provided by the ARL and the OSHMS advisor.
There will be a permanent follow-up by the supervisor and the designated supervisor and established in the internal OSHMS to be used while performing the different functions by service area.

Training on COVID-19 contagion prevention recommendations.

All the staff of Hotel Isla Mucura is trained on the recommendations dictated in resolution 666 of April 24, 2020 as follows:

Living with a high-risk person

If the worker cohabits with people over 60 years old, or with people with pre-existing diseases of high risk for COVID-19, (Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease – Arterial Hypertension – HTA, Cerebrovascular Accident – ACV), HIV, Cancer, Use of corticoids or immunosuppressants, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD, poor nutrition (obesity and malnutrition), Smokers or with health services personnel, should take extreme precautionary measures such as:

  • Keep a distance of at least two meters.
  • Use a mask at home, especially when being in the same space as the person at risk and when cooking and serving food.
  • Increase home ventilation.
  • If possible, assign a bathroom and single room for the person at risk. If not possible, increase ventilation and cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in all areas of the home.
  • Fully comply with hand washing and respiratory hygiene recommendations issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
  • Regularly wash and disinfect floors, walls, doors and windows, and increase these activities on the surfaces of closets, closets, cupboards, handrails, handrails, doorknobs, light switches, doors, drawers, doorstops, furniture, toys, bicycles, and all those elements with which people in the family have constant and direct contact.
  • Cleaning and disinfection should be carried out following the steps: i) removal of dust, ii) washing with soap and water, iii) rinsing with clean water and iv) disinfection with household products.
  • Clean and disinfect everything that has been outside the home or that is handled daily, such as: computers, mice, keyboards, cell phones, fixed telephones, remote controls and other frequently used electronic equipment, which should be cleaned using a clean cloth soaked in 70% alcohol or with soap and water, taking care not to damage them.
  • Wash covers, sheets, towels, etc. on a regular basis.
  • Use gloves to handle the clothes, avoid shaking the clothes and do not allow the contact of these clothes with the body.

Management of risk situations by the employer

Define a referral protocol for the treatment of people with symptoms, or who have been diagnosed with COV1D-19, in line with what has been established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, which should include the following measures:
Implementation of a direct communication channel with workers and anyone who is within the facilities, immediately report any health eventuality that occurs within the company or people who notice symptoms of poor health.
Develop a surveillance process to detect sick workers or workers with respiratory symptoms.
Establish, within the framework of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, a system for warning of symptoms and monitoring the health of workers.
Handling of situations in which a sick worker is detected and cross-checking with the information of personnel with whom he/she has been in contact (epidemiological encirclement).
Identify possible contacts within the company and inform potential contacts in a timely manner in the event that COVID-19-positive workers are identified, and report such cases to the competent health authorities.
Promptly identify and isolate potentially affected individuals and review and comply with the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection for this purpose. When any worker experiences respiratory symptoms, fever or suspicion of COVID-19 coronavirus infection, preventive isolation shall be carried out in the workplace, for which purpose a surgical mask shall be placed, the worker shall be left in an isolated area and the EPS shall be notified so that they can establish the steps to be followed, and shall be blocked from the work shift schedule until he/she is discharged by the medical service.
Coordinate with the EPS so that they provide support to the follow-up in the prevention, detection and follow-up of the workers’ health condition, including random testing strategies for COViD-19, if applicable.
The worker must inform the EPS in the lines of attention that it has available to initiate the protocol stipulated by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
A process must be established for the management in situations of detection of a sick worker or service provider, supplier or client and cross-check with the information of people with whom the person has been in contact, this also for suppliers and clients. (Epidemiological link).
When a worker experiences respiratory symptoms at home, he/she should inform the employer so that preventive isolation can be performed at home. The worker must inform the EPS in the lines of attention that it has available to initiate the protocol stipulated by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

Steps to monitor COVID-19 infection symptoms among workers

Disseminate periodic information to workers and staff regarding the implementation of prevention measures (physical distance, proper hand washing, covering the nose and mouth with the elbow when coughing), proper use of personal protective equipment and identification of symptoms (fever, dry cough and difficulty breathing). When these activities are face-to-face, they should be carried out in groups of no more than five (5) people.

Prevention and management of contagion risk situations.

Prevention of infection

Ensure compliance with the provisions and recommendations of the health authorities regarding the prevention of COVID-19 infection.
It is recommended to establish a verification system (preferably digital), in which each worker and persons providing services for the company, record all persons and places visited inside and outside the operation, indicating: Date, place, name of persons or number of persons with whom contact has been had.
Persons with flu symptoms or fever of 38°C or higher shall not be allowed to enter and/or accompany to the facilities.
Daily random monitoring of the health status and temperature of personnel working at home or remotely, according to self-diagnosis to identify symptoms and trajectories of exposure to COVID-19 of personnel.
Before entering the facilities or starting work, carry out the hand washing protocol.
Establish information channels for workers to report any suspected symptoms or contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19.
Use the CoronApp application, available on Android and iOS, to report their health status and that of their family group.
Establish a protocol for verifying the health status and temperature of suppliers and customers when there is any kind of entry to the facilities.
Ensure that all workers are affiliated to the Integral Social Security System, and likewise, request compliance with this requirement for indirect personnel who provide services to the company.
Attend prevention and control training where the correct use of PPE, hand washing and other self-care measures are explained.
Ensure that workers remain at the assigned work site and at the established work schedule.
Establish occupational health and safety zones for the crews.


Steps to follow in case of presenting a person with symptoms compatible with COVID-19.

If a person presents symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, the following procedure should be followed:

  • Communicate to his/her immediate boss, verify that he/she is using the mask properly and shall place him/her in a previously identified isolation area.
  • In accordance with the protocols established by the health authorities in Colombia, you must report if you have traveled to areas considered as foci of infection or have been in close contact (less than 2 meters for more than 15 minutes) with a confirmed case of COVID-19,
  • The company must report the case to the EPS and to the corresponding health secretariat to evaluate the worker’s health status, who will determine if he/she should be taken home with preventive isolation for mild symptoms and in the case of difficulty breathing, chest pain or convulsions, he/she should be taken to a medical center in an ambulance immediately.
  • If the worker is at home and presents symptoms of fever, cough, difficulty breathing or flu-like symptoms, he/she should contact his/her immediate supervisor by telephone to inform him/her of the situation and both the employer and the worker should report the case to the EPS and the corresponding health secretary so that they can evaluate his/her condition.
  • Make a list of all persons who have been in close contact (within 2 meters for more than 15 minutes) with the confirmed case in the last 14 days. This list will be delivered to the corresponding health secretary for follow-up and the identified contacts will be in preventive isolation for 14 days. This group of people should report the change in their condition in the CoronApp application.
  • All surfaces, workstations, common spaces and all areas of the center such as floors, walls, doors, windows, partitions, furniture, chairs, and all those elements with which people have constant and direct contact such as computers, keyboards, mouse, telephones, headphones, especially surfaces with which the patient has been in contact, should be cleaned and disinfected with 70% alcohol or disinfectants on a frequent basis.
  • Areas such as floors, bathrooms, kitchens should be washed with a common detergent and then disinfected.
  • Cleaning personnel should use appropriate personal protective equipment depending on the level of risk considered in each situation.
  • Identify the areas, surfaces and objects used by the person with a suspected case and carry out cleaning and disinfection immediately.
  • Ensure that personnel can wash their hands at least 6 times a day, and that clean water, soap and single-use towels are available.
  • Make sure to report suspected cases of contagion with the COVID-19 to the corresponding entities: district, departmental or municipal health secretary, the worker’s EPS and the ARL.

Communications Plan

Hotel Isla Mucura, committed to the prevention of COVID-19 infection, has established a communications and information dissemination plan through digital media to disseminate information and the Biosafety Protocol.

Talking points are installed in all areas with information regarding the prevention of infection and good hygiene and disinfection practices, including the practices described in this protocol.

The measures mentioned in resolution 666 of April 24, 2020 are taken, such as:

  • Periodic informative talks are given to workers and personnel providing services in the companies regarding the implementation of prevention measures (social distance, correct hand washing, covering nose and mouth with the elbow when coughing), proper use of personal protective equipment and identification of symptoms (fever, dry cough and difficulty breathing). When these activities are face-to-face, they must be carried out in groups of no more than five (5) people and at a distance of 2 meters between each person. And an attendance sheet must be kept.
  • All companies must have a communications plan where relevant information is disseminated to all relevant stakeholders, including customers, suppliers and personnel, unions and workers’ organizations. In particular, a clear and timely communication system should be developed with all workers.
  • Maintain updated contact and information lines through the available means in case of any emergency.
  • In particular, the measures contained in this circular and the information on generalities and guidelines given by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection regarding alarm symptoms, guidelines and protocols for preparedness, response and care in the presence of COVID-19 in the national territory, as well as in the department or municipality where the company operates, should be disseminated.
  • Provide continuous messages to all workers and other personnel providing services in the companies, self-care and active breaks for disinfection. The importance of constant hand washing and social distancing (no hugging, kissing or shaking hands) should be reiterated to all personnel.
  • Disseminate the COVID-19 infection prevention protocols and the care of suspected cases of infection to the sector’s working population, in coordination with the Health Promoting Entities (EPS) and with the advice and technical assistance of the ARLs.
  • Establish user information mechanisms in a visible, legible, timely, clear and concise manner, through social networks, billboards, posters or any other means of dissemination, on prevention and care measures. Internal means of communication should be used, messages through loud speakers, computer screen savers, digital applications where workers are reminded of the hand washing protocol before starting their work. Infographics and other guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection must be taken into account.


Vehicles transporting guests or hotel personnel to errands or work must comply with the following protocol and guidelines.
When performing cleaning and hygiene tasks, gloves must be worn for protection. Once finished, the gloves must be disposed of safely in a waste container and the hand-washing protocol must be followed.
It is suggested to post notices for passengers, informing them about hand washing protocol, proper hand hygiene protocol, sneezing protocol, not touching the face and other forms of greeting. This information should be consulted on the website of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
In case of having air conditioning, it should be reviewed and properly maintained, avoiding it as much as possible to promote recirculation.


Post notices for employees and guests, informing them about hand washing protocol, proper hand hygiene protocol, sneezing protocol, not touching the face and other forms of greeting. According to information provided by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and ARL.
Coughing, sneezing and hand washing protocols and other forms of greeting should be clearly labeled in visible places.
Surfaces that are frequently touched (handrails, among others) must be cleaned with water-based products with hypochlorite or disinfectant products such as quaternary ammonium.
For worker use, equip restroom facilities with toilet paper, potable water, hand-washing soap, glycerin alcohol, and paper towels for drying hands.
Bathroom and toilet surfaces should be cleaned with disposable material and disinfected daily with a household disinfectant using water-based products with hypochlorite or disinfectant products. At least once a day. A daily sterilization control sheet is kept.
Cleaning workers should wear gloves while cleaning and sanitizing. After cleaning, hand hygiene should be performed.
General use equipment, dishes, glasses, kitchen utensils, and trays used by clients and employees must be washed and disinfected once a day, and disinfectant must be available so that clients who wish to clean have access to the products.
The use of cash is avoided as much as possible and the use of digital platforms or payment links is promoted, if it is by means of data phones for payment with credit or debit cards, hands should be washed with soap and water immediately after use.
If you need to receive cash, ensure that the money is deposited in a plastic bag and if necessary return money in exchange. At the beginning and end of the service wash hands with soap and water and if gloves are used new gloves should be put on.

Internal control method:

  • The person responsible for each of the related services, or as the case may be the person designated by him/her, will carry out the necessary supervisory tasks to ensure accurate compliance with the standards defined above. In any case, as a minimum, the supervisory activities to be carried out shall be those set forth below.
  • The supervisory activities shall be properly documented, at least in terms of their scope, frequency and responsibility for performance, so that it is possible to systematically monitor the quality indicators in the different services. The personnel assigned to each area will be informed of the results of the analysis of this information.
  • In the event of finding significant deficiencies (due to their importance or repetition), the person in charge of each area will inform the quality coordinator, administrator or person designated for this purpose, for their treatment.
  • On a daily basis, the person responsible for the service, or the person designated by him/her, will check that all areas and departments of the hotel comply with the established hygiene and cleanliness requirements.

 On a daily basis, the person in charge of the service, or the person designated by him/her, shall check that all areas and departments of the hotel meet the established hygiene and cleanliness requirements:

  • That the rooms for guests’ stay have been made according to the established requirements and have the determined hospitality items; for which he/she will supervise daily a number of rooms, so that throughout a week it will be guaranteed that the total number of rooms have been inspected.
  • The fulfillment, through work reports or similar, of the cleaning routines.
  • That there are sufficient sets of linen and towels to make the changes planned for the following day.

Verification, during cleaning, that the work has been carried out in the established manner.